The Highland Lute: The Albanian National Epic - The Abanian National Epic
Gjergj Fishta; Elsie, Robert (trans)
I. B. Tauris (2006)
In Collection
Epic Poem
Hardcover 1845111184
The Highland Lute became enormously popular in the 1920s and 30s, with its vivid, archetypal characters and panoramic descriptions: the backdrop to Albania's historical battles for freedom and independence from the Turks and Montenegrins. A panoramic view of northern Albanian history from 1862 to 1913. It propelled its author, Gjergj Fishta, to universal recognition as the national poet of Albania until the Communists took power in 1944. On its first public recital in post-Communist Albania, 45 years later, many in the audience still knew parts by heart. Robert Elsie's masterful new translation, the first to appear in English, captures the spirit of the original and, accompanied by a new critical introduction, will introduce the poem to a new generation of admirers.

Translator Robert Elsie
Product Details
LoC Classification PG9621.F5L3713 2005
Dewey 891/.9911
Nationality Albanian
Pub Place New York
Dust Jacket dj
Cover Price $45.00
No. of Pages 256
Height x Width 9.2 x 6.3  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict 18th Century misc
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"In association with the Centre for Albanian Studies."