Milton and The Martial Muse - Paradise Lost and European Traditions of War -
Freeman, James A.
Princeton University Press (1980)
In Collection
Lit Crit
Hardcover 0691064350
USA  English
Product Details
LoC Classification PR3562.F66
Dewey 821/.44
Nationality Assorted
Pub Place New Jersey
Cover Price $42.50
No. of Pages 253
Height x Width 9.1  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict Middle Ages etc.
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In Paradise Lost he did something to right the imbalance, taking as hero not the military commander Satan but the Prince of Peace, the Son of God, as well as the pastoral Eve and Adam. The poem contains more than the attack on war described in James Freeman's Milton and the Martial Muse. In Surprised by Sin Stanley Fish insight fully celebrates "standing only" as Christian heroism, but there is an initiating element of peacemak ing--active reconciliation, more than mere loyalty and an attitude of obedience--that characterizes the heroism of the Son and of Eve. 1 In fact, Milton pic tures such reconciling as a notable aspect of redemption.