Echenberg Collection of Warpoetry arranged by Conflict
  Conflict Nationality Genre Author Title Publication Year Publisher  
English Civil War British Anthology Crofts, Thomas (ed); Carew, Thomas; John Suckling, Sir; Lovelace, Richard; Thomas Crofts; Herrick, Robert The Cavalier Poets: An Anthology (Dover Thrift Editions) 1996 Dover Publications Details
English Civil War British Anthology Hugh Maclean; Jonson, Ben; (Ed.) Maclean, Hugh Ben Jonson and the Cavalier Poets 1975 W.W. Norton Details
English Civil War British Biography Reid, Stuart; Embleton, Gerry Auldearn 1645: The Marquis of Montrose's Scottish campaign (Campaign) 2003 Osprey Publishing Details
English Civil War British Biography Trease, Geoffrey Portrait of a cavalier: William Cavendish, first Duke of Newcastle 1979 Taplinger Pub. Co Details
English Civil War British Biography Wedgwood, C. V. Montrose 1995 Palgrave Macmillan Details
English Civil War British Biography Wilson, John Harold A Rake And His Times George Villiers 2nd Duke of Buckingham 1954 Farrar, Straus, & Young Details
English Civil War British Lit Crit Anselment, Raymond A. Loyalist Resolve: Patient Fortitude in the English Civil War 1988 University of Delaware Press Details
English Civil War British Lit Crit Evans, H. T. (Howell Thomas),; Griffiths, R A (intro Wales and the Wars of the Roses 1998 Grange Books Details
English Civil War British Lit Crit Wedgwood, C. V. Poetry and Politics under the Stuarts 1960 Cambridge University Press Details
English Civil War British Poet AYTOUN, William Edmondstoune Poems of William Edmondstoune Aytoun 1921 Oxford University Press Details
English Civil War British Poet Cavendish, William, Duke of Newcastle; Grant, Douglas (ed) The Phanseys of William Cavendish, Marquis of Newcastle, Addressed To Margaret Lucas, And Her Letters in Reply 1956 Nonesuch Details
English Civil War British Poet Cowley, Abraham A Poem on the Late Civil War by Mr. Abraham Cowley. (1679) 2011 Eebo Editions Details
English Civil War British Poet Cowley, Abraham; Pritchard, Allan (ed) The Civil War 1973 University of Toronto Press Details
English Civil War British Poet Finch, Anne; Anne Countess of Winchilsea; Murry, John Middleton (ed) Poems by Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1661 - 1720 1928 Cape Details
English Civil War British Poet Lovelace, Richard; Hazlett, W. Carew Lucasta: The Poems of Richard Lovelace, Esq. 1897 Reeves and Turner Details
English Civil War British Poet Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of, 1612-; Bell, Robin (ed) Civil Warrior 2002 Luath Press Details
English Civil War British Poet Vaughan, Henry; Cluysenaar, Ann (ed) Henry Vaughan: Selected Poems (Golden Age of Spiritual Writing) 2003 SPCK Publishing Details
English Civil War British Poet Waller, Edmund; Druy, G Thorn (ed) The Poems of Edmund Waller 1893 Lawrence Bullen Details
English Civil War British Poet Wither, George Poems of George Wither 1904 George Newnes Details
English Civil War British Poet Wither, George; Sidgwick, Frank (ed) The Poetry of George Wither Vol. I 1902 A. H. Bullen Details
English Civil War British Poet Wither, George; Sidgwick, Frank (ed) The Poetry of George Wither Vol. II 1902 A. H. Bullen Details
Falklands War American Poet Brander, John A time of Geburah, The Falkland War Poems 1992 Small Poetry Press Details
Falklands War Argentina Anthology Da Fonseca Figueira, Jose Antonio Como Los Poetas les Cantaron a Las Malvinas 1978 Plus Ultra Details
Falklands War Argentina Poet Bravo de Torre, Carmen Voces por las Malvinas. Poemas al soldado-niño 1983 Zeta Editores Details
Falklands War Argentina Poet Cabral, Alicia Dinorah Oda Austral a la Gesta Heroica 1983 Premio Argenta Details
Falklands War Argentina Poet Santana, Afredo Malvineras Y otras Penas, Poemas 1983 Gran Buenos aires Details
Falklands War British Anthology Roberts, David (ed) Falklands War Poetry 2012 Saxon Details
Falklands War British Biography Morgan, David H. S Hostile Skies 2007 Orion Publishing Details
Falklands War British Poet Currall, Tracey This Panopticon Life 2007 erbacce Press Details
Falklands War British Poet Mould, Michael An Epic Poem in Tribute To H.m. Task Force South Atlantic 1983 Artistic Productions Details
Falklands War British Poet Spider Poems From a Para 2003 unknown Details
Falklands War British Poet Tinker, David A message from the Falklands: The life and gallant death of David Tinker RN, from his letters and poems 1982 Junction Books Details
Franco Prussian British Poet Smith, Frederic. A Chest of Viols & Other Verses 1896 Simpkin Marshall Details
Franco Prussian France Poet Copin, Alfred Au Son du Clairon 1884 MARPON &FLAMMARION Details
Franco Prussian France Poet David, Capitaine Andre Contes Des Temps Passes 1906 A. Rey Details
Franco Prussian France Poet Hugo, Victor L'Annee Terrible 1872 Michel Levi Freres Details
Franco Prussian France Poet Manuel, Eugene Pendant La guerre 1872 Michel levi Details
Franco Prussian France Poet Richard, Louis Pour La France, Poesies Patriotiques 1886 Henri Jouve Details
Franco Prussian German Anthology Adolf, Helene [Bearb.] Im Neuen Reich 1871 -1914 1932 Philip Reclam Details
French Indo China France Poet de Saint Julien, A (Albert) Loin, Poemes glanes au durs chemins D'inchine 1955 Nouvelle Press Mondiale Details
Holocaust Gurdus, Luba Krugman Painful Echoes… Poems of the Holocaust Details
Holocaust Schulstein, Moses A Boym Tsvishn Hurves: Lider Un Poemes Details
Holocaust American Poet Brodsky, Louis Daniel; Heyen, William Falling from heaven 1991 Time Being Books Details
Holocaust American Poet Heyen, William Erika, poems of the Holocaust 1984 VANGUARD PRESS Details
Holocaust American Poet Heyen, William Shoah Train 2003 Etruscan Press Details
Holocaust British Poet Robertson, Jenny Ghetto: Poems of the Warsaw Ghetto, 1939-43 1989 Lion Publishing Corporation Details
Holocaust Canada Play Szumigalski, Anne Z 1995 Coteau Books Details
Holocaust German Anthology Bernd, Jentzsch (ed) Der Tod Ist Ein Meister Aus Deutschland. Deportation Und Vernichtung in Poetischen Zeugnissen 1982 Kindler Verlag Details
Holocaust German Poet Gershon, Karen Selected Poems 1966 Harcourt Brace Details
Holocaust Italy Poet Levi, Primo Collected Poems 1988 Faber & Faber Details
Holocaust Misc Anthology Wikipedia books Poets Who Died in Nazi Concentration Camps: Robert Desnos, Jakob Van Hoddis, Peter Kien, Moriz Seeler, Benjamin Fondane, Sarah Powell, Anica Cernej 2010 Books LLC Details
Holocaust Polish Poet Karmel, Henia; Karmel, Ilona A Wall of Two: Poems of Resistance and Suffering from Kraków to Buchenwald and Beyond 2007 University of California Press Details
Holocaust Yiddish Anthology Gros, Natan;; Yaoz-Kest, Itamar;; Klinov, Rina;; Barzel, Hillel. HA-SHOAH BE-SHIRAH HA-`IVRIT: MIVHAR 1974 Yad Va-shem. Details
Holocaust Yiddish Anthology Kissin, I (ed) LIDER FUN DER MILHOMEH: ANTOLOGYE 1943 Max Maisel Details
Holocaust Yiddish Anthology Rozshanski, Shemuel, Zak, Avraham. HURBN: ANTOLOGYE 109 POETN, DERTSEYLERS UN MEMUARISTN 1970 Gezelshaft Baym Yivo. Details
Holocaust Yiddish Biography Leftwich, Joseph. ABRAHAM SUTZKEVER: PARTISAN POET. 1971 THOMAS YOSELOFF Details
Holocaust Yiddish Poet Fain, Yonia A TLIYEH UNTER DI SHTERN 1947 Y. Fain. Details
Holocaust Yiddish Poet Fox, Chaim Leib SHO`H FUN LID: LIDER UN POEMEN 1951 Details
Holocaust Yiddish Poet Markovic, Zlatana BOSANKA GOLGOTA: GOLGOTA DE BOSNIA, 1941-1945. 1955 np Details
Holocaust Yiddish Poet Miller, Louis DOS LEBN VOS LEBT EYBIK: MILHOME-BALADE IN 4 TEYL 1942 Farlag Idish-Amerike Details
India Pakistan War Pakistan Poet Azam, Ikram Of Love and War ND Author Details
India Pakistan War Pakistan Poet Azam, Ikram Shadows by Moonlight 1969 Muzaffar Mahmood & Sons Details
Iran Iraq War Iraq Poet Alizadeh, Ali Eyes in Times of War 2006 Folio Pub. Corp. Details
Iraq Afghan Anthology van Linschoten, Alex Strick (ed); Kuehn, Felix (ed); Devji, Faisal (pref) Poetry of the Taliban 2012 Hurst Details
Iraq American Anthology Alvarez, Julia; Budbill, David Y.; Delanty, Greg; Assorted Cry Out: Poets Protest the War 2003 George Braziller Details
Iraq American Anthology Bowden, Lisa (ed); Cain, Shannon (ed) Powder, writing by women in the ranks, from Vietnam to Iraq 2008 Kore Press Details
Iraq American Anthology Calica, Lovella (ed); Iraq Veterans Against the War Warrior writers : move, shoot and communicate : a collection of creative writing 2008 Iraq Veterans Against the War Details
Iraq American Anthology Calica, Lovella (ed); Iraq Veterans Against the War Warrior writers : re-making sense : a collection of artwork 2008 Iraq Veterans Against the War Details
Iraq American Anthology Carroll, Andrew Operation Homecoming: Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, in the Words of U.S. Troops and Their Families 2006 Random House Details
Iraq American Anthology Covington, Patrick Wayne There Comes a Time... : Poetry of Desert Era Veterens 2012 Hercules Publishing Details
Iraq American Anthology Hamill, Sam (ed) Poets Against the War 2003 Nation Books Details
Iraq American Anthology; Periodical Mosson, Gregg (ed( Poems Against War: A Journal of Poetry and Action: Music & Heroes (Volume Six: 2007-2008) 2007 Wasteland Press Details
Iraq American Compact Disc Various Voices from the Frontline 2006 Crosscheck Records Details
Iraq American Lit Crit Samet, Elizabeth D. Soldier's Heart: Reading Literature Through Peace and War at West Point 2007 Farrar Straus & Giroux Details
Iraq American Poet Albright, Scott Technipoems, Thoughts on Chaos And War 2009 Yrisarri Publishing Details
Iraq American Poet Barbosa, Jason B War Never Stops: Poetic Memories of Somalia Conflict and Beyond 2006 privately printed Details
Iraq American Poet Benedetto, Christian M., Jr War Cries 2005 Wasteland Press Details
Iraq American Poet Blues GI-Blues: A Soldier's Poem 2006 Authorhouse Details
Iraq American Poet Bly, Robert The Insanity of Empire: A Book of Poems Against the Iraq War 2004 Ally Press Details
Iraq American Poet Booher, Tiffany A. Spouses Also Serve 2007 Tate Publishing & Enterprises Details
Iraq American Poet Boykin, Roderick Andre A Soldier's Words 2006 Details
Iraq American Poet Busby Sr., Carl R. Poems from the Sand 2007 Authorhouse Details
Iraq American Poet Chawla, Nishi Iraq war memorabilia : poems 2006 Bibliophile South Asia Details
Iraq American Poet Corbin, Jocelyn Confessions of the Military Wife 2009 Jocelyn Corbin Details
Iraq American Poet Covington, Patrick Wayne Like the Prayers of An Infidel...: One American Airman's Experience of Service, War, and Return 2010 CreateSpace Details
Iraq American Poet Dubrow, Jehanne Stateside : poems 2010 Northwestern University Press Details
Iraq American Poet Fenton, Elyse Clamor : Poems 2010 Cleveland State University Poetry Center Details
Iraq American Poet Ford, Christine; Holland, Trish The Soldiers' Night Before Christmas (Big Little Golden Book) 2006 Golden Books Details
Iraq American Poet Freiberg, Stanley K. The Baskets of Baghdad 2006 Newport Bay Publishing Details
Iraq American Poet Gewanter, David War Bird (Phoenix Poets) 2009 University Of Chicago Press Details
Iraq American Poet Hamill, Meg Death Notices (Heretical Texts) 2007 Factory School Details
Iraq American Poet Heyen, William Ribbons : The Gulf War 1991 Time Being Books Details
Iraq American Poet Kline, Pearlina War Poems 2006 Vantage Pr Details
Iraq American Poet Koethe, John Sally's Hair: Poems 2006 HarperCollins Details
Iraq American Poet Lucas, Ethan Scars of War, a Journey Through War, Addiction and Recorvery 20111 Publish America Details
Iraq American Poet Majmudar, Amit Zero Degrees, Zero Degrees 0°, 0° Poems 2009 TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern University Press Details
Iraq American Poet Merrill, Benjamin Journey Through the Darkness: Poems from a Diseased Mind 2007 Details
Iraq American Poet Palumbo, Charlie The Face of a Memory 2011 Live Wire Press Details
Iraq American Poet Paylor, William Iraq Outside Looking in 2006 Details
Iraq American Poet Pope, Christopher A Soldier's Cry 2009 Xlibris Corporation Details
Iraq American Poet Ray, David The Death of Sardanapalus and Other Poems of the Iraq Wars 2004 Howling Dog Press Details
Iraq American Poet Reuben, Nancy F. Heaven's Heroes, a Poetic Glimpse of the War in Iraq 2005 Infinity Publishing Details
Iraq American Poet Revill, David K. A Bird's Eye View of a Soldier's Experiences in Iraq: An Anthology of Poetry 2006 Authorhouse Details
Iraq American Poet Richey, Frances The Warrior: A Mother's Story of a Son at War 2008 Viking Adult Details
Iraq American Poet Samuels, Gregory Robert War Poems from Iraq 2006 PublishAmerica Details
Iraq American Poet Sharpe, Jesse Hurry Home (War Chronicles) 2005 Details
Iraq American Poet Sharpe, Myron E (Mike) Thou Shalt Not Kill Unless Otherwise Instructed: Poems And Stories 2005 North Castle Books Details
Iraq American Poet Smith-Ferri, David Battlefield without borders 2007 Haley's Details
Iraq American Poet Soul, Unique; Benjamin, Brandon St. James Place: Poems from the Sandbox 2007 Authorhouse Details
Iraq American Poet Stoneking, Gary The War in Iraq 2004 Pleasant Word Details
Iraq American Poet Szabo. Gabor J Army of One (Year+): An Army Reservist in Iraq And Kuwait 2008 Yggdrasil Press Details
Iraq American Poet Townsend, Jamie From a Soldier's Wife 2006 Details
Iraq American Poet Turner, Brian Here, Bullet 2005 Alice James Details
Iraq American Poet Wasserman, Paul Say Again All 2011 Front Porch History Details
Iraq Australian Poet Yelich, Sonya Get Some 2008 Auckland University Press Details
Iraq British Anthology Jeffcock, John (ed) Heroes 2011 Ebury Press Details
Iraq British Poet Hulse, Michael Mother of Battles 1991 Littlewood Arc Details
Iraq British Poet Knowles, David Meeting the Jet Man 2008 Two Ravens Press Details
Iraq British Poet Steele, Charmian Saddamic Verses: A Personal Sketch in Verse and Prose of the Iraqi Conflict from August 1990 1991 privately printed Details
Iraq Canada Poet Imenda, Sitwala The Blairing Kofi Bush War of Iraq : Who Was Insane? 2004 Trafford Publishing Details
Iraq Iraq Anthology Sunawe, Saadi (ed); Weissbort, Daniel (ed) Iraqi Poetry Today 2002 King's College Details
Iraq Iraq Poet Alani, Zaineb The Words of an Iraqi War Survivor & More 2007 Xlibris Corporation Details
Iraq Iraq Poet Antoon, Sinan The Baghdad Blues 2007 Harbor Mountain Press Details
Iraq Misc Anthology Falkoff, Marc (ed) Poems from Guantanamo: The Detainees Speak 2007 University Of Iowa Press Details
Irish Rebelion Irish Anthology Ormsby, Frank (ed) A Rage for Order: Poetry of the Northern Ireland Troubles 1992 Blackstaff Press Details
Irish Rebelion Irish Poet Forrester, Arthur M.; Forrester Ellen Songs of the Rising Nation: And Other Poems 2008 BiblioLife Details
Irish Rebelion Irish Poet MacEntee, John Francis The Poems of John Francis MacEntee ND The Talbot Press Details
Irish Rebelion Irish Poet MacSwiney, Terence Battle-cries 1918 [s.n.] Details
Irish Rebelion Irish Poet Stuart, Francis Arrow of Anguish: New poems 1997 Dufour Editions Details
Italo-Turkish Italy Poet Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso; Marinetti, Luce (ed); Napier, Elizabeth R (trans); Studholme, Barbara R (trans) F T Marinetti, Selected Poems and Related Prose 2002 Yale University Press Details
Korea American Anthology Edwards, Paul M (ed) The Hermit Kingdom 1995 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company Details
Korea American Epic Poem Ramberg, Paal; Miller, Jerome Hell's Music 1950 Green Spires Press Details
Korea American Poet Coursen, H. R. Storm in April ND unknown Details
Korea American Poet Coursen, H. R. War Stories 1984 Cider Mill Press Details
Korea American Poet Fast, Howard Korean Lullaby 1952 Current Book Distributors Details
Korea American Poet Greiner, LTC Robert E. A Three Way Love Affair : Poems 1989 The Wright Press Details
Korea American Poet Hinojosa, Rolando Korean love songs from Klail City death trip 1978 Editorial Justa Publications Details
Korea American Poet Jordan, Harvey September Dead 1953 Parthenon Press Details
Korea American Poet Kazanjian, H. A. We Are The Little Foxes 1954 Pageant Press Details
Korea American Poet Langworthy, David Among Friends 2003 Xlibris Corporation Details
Korea American Poet McDonald, Walter Night Landings: Poems 1989 Harper & Row Details
Korea American Poet McDonald, Walter Rafting the Brazos (Texas Poets Series) 1989 University of North Texas Press Details
Korea American Poet McDonald, Walter The Flying Dutchman: 1987 George Elliston Poetry Prize 1987 Ohio State Univ Pr (Txt) Details
Korea American Poet Meredith, William Partial Accounts 1987 Knopf Details
Korea American Poet Meredith, William Ships And Other Figures 1948 Princeton University Press Details
Korea American Poet Meredith, William Wreck of the Thresher & Other Poems 2004 Mystic Seaport Details
Korea American Poet Paal Dale Ramberg North Window 1980 Winepress Details
Korea American Poet Perdu, Charles Echoes of Valor 1993 Perdido Pr Details
Korea American Poet Williams, Robert Carl Low Sweet Notes: Poems 2002 Mellen Poetry Press Details
Korea American Poet Wilson, Keith Graves Registry 1992 Clark City Details
Korea American Poet Wilson, Keith Graves Registry 1992 Clark City Details
Korea American Poet Wilson, Keith Graves Registry and Other Poems 1969 Grove Details
Korea American Poet Woods, James J. (Jimmie Joe) A Boy and His Journey 2002 1st Books Details
Korea American Poet Woods, James J. (Jimmie Joe) Love, War and Little Children 2001 1st Books Details
Korea American Poet; Prose McDonald, Walter A Band of Brothers 1989 Texas Tech University Press Details
Korea American Poet; Prose McDonald, Walter Band of Brothers: Stories from Vietnam 1990 Texas Tech University Press Details
Korea American Songs Bentley, Logan (ed) Stovepipe Serenade, a Collection of Flying Songs, 1956 Edition 1956 np Details
Korea American; British Anthology Who Fought in Korea, Men Thinking Soldiers 1955 New World Press Details
Korea British Poet Kaye, Ian E Pick and shovel poems 1960 Arthur H. Stockwell Details
Korea Korean Anthology Suh, Ji-Moon; Perkins, James A. Brother Enemy: Poems of the Korean War (Korean Voices) 2002 White Pine Press Details
Korea Korean Disertation Hwang, Joon Ho The "Forgotten" War Remembered: Reading Korean War Poetry 2006 University of Caifornia Riverside Details
Mexican American American Soldier The Seventh on the Border Details
Mexican American American Anthology Deem, James M. Primary Source Accounts of the Mexican-American War 2006 Details
Mexican American American Anthology Gaddis, Ivan L. (ed) On the Mexican Border ND Priv. print Details
Mexican American American Biography Lytle, William Haines; Carter, Ruth C. For honor, glory & union : the Mexican and Civil War letters of Brig. Gen. William Haines Lytle 1999 University Press of Kentucky Details
Mexican American American Lit Crit Johannsen, Robert W. To the Halls of the Montezumas: the Mexican War in the American Imagination 1985 Oxford University Press, USA Details
Mexican American American Poet Camp, Frank Bernard Mexican Border Ballads 1916 F.B. Camp Details
Mexican American American Poet Lytle, William Haines; Venable, William H. Poems of Williams Haines Lytle (1894) N.D. Kessinger Publishing Details
Middle Ages etc. American; British Biography Cranfill, Thomas M.; Bruce, Dorothy Hart Barnaby Rich : A Short Biography 1953 University of Texas Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Arabic Biography Cobb, Paul M. Usama Ibn Munqidh (Makers of the Muslim World) 2006 Oneworld Publications Details
Middle Ages etc. Assorted Anthology Goldin, Frederick Lyrics of the Troubadours and Trouveres 1987 Peter Smith Publisher Details
Middle Ages etc. Assorted Anthology Saunders, Corinne J (ed); Thomas, Neil (ed); Le Saux, Françoise (ed) Writing War: Medieval Literary Responses to Warfare 2004 D.S.Brewer Details
Middle Ages etc. Assorted Lit Crit Allmand, C. T. War, Literature and Politics in The Late Middle Ages 1976 Barnes & Noble Details
Middle Ages etc. Assorted Lit Crit Freeman, James A. Milton and The Martial Muse 1980 Princeton University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Assorted Lit Crit Murrin, Michael. HISTORY AND WARFARE IN RENAISSANCE EPIC. 1994 University Of Chicago Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Assorted Lit Crit Saunders, Corinne J; Le Saux, Francoise H. M; Thomas, Neil Writing War: Medieval Literary Responses To Warfare 2004 D.S.Brewer Details
Middle Ages etc. Belgium Poet Delepierre, Octave (ed); Guillaume le Breton Philippide de Guillaume-le-Breton 2010 BiblioLife Details
Middle Ages etc. British Anthology Gairdner, James (ed) The historical collections of a citizen of London in the fifteenth century 2010 Nabu Public Domain Reprints Details
Middle Ages etc. British Anthology Winstock, Lewis Songs & Marches of The Roundheads & Cavaliers 1971 Leo Cooper Details
Middle Ages etc. British Anthology Wu, Duncan (ed); DeMaria, Robert (ed) Poetry from 1660 to 1780: Civil War, Restoration, Revolution ( 2002 Blackwell Details
Middle Ages etc. British Anthology; Epic Poem Cynewulf; Garnett, James Mercer (translator) Elene; Judith; Athelstan, or the Fight at Brunanburh; and Byrhtnoth, or the Fight at Maldon: Anglo-Saxon poems 1896 Ginn & Company Details
Middle Ages etc. British Biography Adnit, Henry William Thomas Churchyard, 1520-1604. (1884) 2010 Kessinger Publishing Details
Middle Ages etc. British Biography Austen, Gillian George Gascoigne 2008 D.S. Brewer Details
Middle Ages etc. British Biography Crouch, David William Marshal: Knighthood, War and Chivalry, 1147-1219 2002 Longman Details
Middle Ages etc. British Biography Edmond, Mary Rare Sir William Davenant 1987 St Martins Details
Middle Ages etc. British Biography Fallon, Robert T Captain or Colonel: The Soldier and Milton's Life and Art 1984 Univ of Missouri Pr Details
Middle Ages etc. British Biography Hill, Eugene D Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury 1987 Twayne Publishers Details
Middle Ages etc. British Biography Trevelyan, Raleigh Sir Walter Raleigh: Being a True and Vivid Account of the Life and Times of the Explorer, Soldier, Scholar, Poet, and Courtier--The Controversial Hero of the Elizabethian Age 2004 Henry Holt Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit Bedford, R. D. The defence of truth: Herbert of Cherbury and the seventeenth century 1979 Manchester University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit Cooper, Duff Sergeant Shakespeare 1950 The Viking Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit Hermann, John Patrick Allegories of War: Language and Violence in Old English Poetry 1990 University of Michigan Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit King, Ros; Franssen, Paul J. C. M. Shakespeare and War 2008 Palgrave Macmillan Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit McDowell, Nicholas Poetry and Allegiance in the English Civil Wars: Marvell and the Cause of Wit 2009 Oxford University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit McKeown, Adam N. English mercuries : soldier poets in the age of Shakespeare 2009 Vanderbilt University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit Meron, Theodor Bloody Constraint: War And Chivalry in Shakespeare 1998 Oxford University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit Pratt, John H. Chaucer and War 2000 University Press of America Details
Middle Ages etc. British Lit Crit Somogyi, Nick Shakespeare's Theatre of War 1998 Ashgate Details
Middle Ages etc. British Play Chapman, George; Evans, Maurice (ed) Bussy D'Ambois 1965 Ernest Benn Details
Middle Ages etc. British Play Shakespeare, William Henry V 1979 Penguin Books Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Churchyard, Thomas A Wished Reformation of Wicked Rebellion: The Tragedy of Shores Wife (1598) 2010 Kessinger Publishing Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Churchyard, Thomas Churchyard's Misery of Flanders, Etc.: 1579 (1876) 2010 Kessinger Publishing Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Churchyard, Thomas The First Part of Churchyard's Chips. 1973 Scolar Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Countess Of Winchilsea. Anne Finch,; Murry, John Middleton (ed) Poems by Anne, Countess of Winchilsea 1661-1720 1928 Jonathan Cape Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Davenant, Sir William; Gladish, David F Sir William Davenant's Gondibert 1971 Oxford at the Clarendon Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Donne, John John Donne and the Protestant Reformation 2003 Wayne State University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Donne, John;; Redpath, Theodore [ed] The Songs and Sonets of John Donne 1964 Methuen Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Gascoigne, George; Miller, Ruth Loyd (ed); Ward, Bernard Mordaunt (ed) A hundreth sundrie flowres, from the original edition of 1573 1975 Kennikat Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Gaynam, J Marlborough still conquers, or Union hath got the day 1708 H. Hills Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Minot, Laurence Poems of Laurence Minot 1333 - 1352 1989 University of Exeter Press Details
Middle Ages etc. British Poet Skelton, John; Ashton John (ed) The Earliest Known Printed English Ballad: A Ballade Of The Scottysshe Kynge 2007 Kessinger Publishing Details
Middle Ages etc. British Prose McGlynn, Sean By Sword and Fire: Cruelty and Atrocity in Medieval Warfare 2008 Weidenfeld & Nicolson Details
Middle Ages etc. France Epic Poem Ambroise; Ailes, Marianne (trans); Barber, Malcolm (notes) The History of the Holy War: Ambroise's `Estoire de la guerre sainte': I. Text; II. Translation (Vol 1) 2004 Boydell Press Details
Middle Ages etc. France Epic Poem Crosland, Jessie Raoul De Cambrai: An Old French Feudal Epic 1926 Chatto & Windus Details
Middle Ages etc. France Epic Poem Moncrieff, Charles Scott The Song of Roland 1938 Limited Editions Club Details
Middle Ages etc. France Epic Poem Philip Ashley Fanning; Nelson, Jan La Chanson D'Antioche: Volume 4 of The Old French Crusade Cyle (Old French Crusade Cycle) 2003 University Alabama Press Details
Middle Ages etc. France Epic Poem Shirley, Janet Song of the Cathar Wars 2000 Ashgate Pub Ltd Details
Middle Ages etc. France Epic Poem Troyes Chretien, de; Harwood Cline, Ruth Perceval, Or, the Story of the Grail 1983 Pergamon Press Details
Middle Ages etc. France Poet Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste; Sylvester, Joshua The Divine Weeks of Josuah Sylvester; Mainly translated from the French of William de Saluste, Lord of the Bartas 2011 General Books LLC Details
Middle Ages etc. France Poet Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste; Sylvester, Joshua The Divine Weeks of Josuah Sylvester; Mainly Translated From the French of William De Saluste, Lord of the Bartas 1908 H.M. Youmans Details
Middle Ages etc. France Poet Hayward; John (ed) Letters of Saint Evremond: Charles Marguetel De Saint Drnis Seigneur De Saint Evremond 1930 Routledge Details
Middle Ages etc. France Poet Voltaire The Henriade, an epic poem, in ten cantos. Translated from the French of Voltaire, into English Rhyme, with large historical and critical notes. N.D. Ecco Details
Middle Ages etc. France Prose Haasse, Hella S.; Miller, Anita (ed) In a Dark Wood Wandering, a Novel of the Middle Ages. 1990 Hutchinson Details
Middle Ages etc. German Compact Disc Dolci, Daniela; Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich; Musica Fiorita Die Herrlichkeit der Erden muss Rauch und Aschen werden : Musik und Poesie aus der Zeit des Dreissigja¨hrigen Krieges 2009 Ars Musici Details
Middle Ages etc. German Lit Crit Murdoch, Brian The Germanic Hero: Politics and Pragmatism in Early Medieval Poetry 2003 Hambledon & London Details
Middle Ages etc. Iceland Epic Poem Blake, N.F. The Saga of the Jomsvikings 1962 Thomas Nelson Details
Middle Ages etc. Italy Disertation Sears, Olivia Erin Woman poets and war in the Italian Renaissance: 1996 Stanford University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Italy Epic Poem Carson, Thomas (ed); Anon Barbarossa in Italy 2008 Italica Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Italy Poet Giannettasio, Niccolo Partenio Bellica 1699 Details
Middle Ages etc. Italy Poet Sannazaro, Jacopo; Nash, Ralph (translator) The Major Latin Poems of Jacopo Sannazaro 1996 Wayne State University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Japan Anthology Carter, Steven D. (trans) Waiting for the Wind: Thirty-Six Poets of Japan's Late Medieval Age (Translations from the Asian Classics) 1989 Columbia University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Misc Biography Kidwell, Carol Marullus: Soldier Poet of the Renaissance 1989 Duckworth Details
Middle Ages etc. Misc Epic Poem Rodrigues, Louis The battles of Maldon and Brunanburh 1991 Llanerch Publishers Details
Middle Ages etc. Misc Lit Crit Attahiri, Mohamed; Attahiri, Mohamed, Kriegsgedichte zur Zeit der Almohaden (Heidelberger orientalistische Studien) 1992 P. Lang Details
Middle Ages etc. Misc Poet HaNagid, Shmuel Selected Poems of Shmuel HaNagid 1996 Princeton University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Misc Poet Ibn Nagrela, Samuel; Samuel, Hanagid; Weinberger, Leon J; Nagrela, Samuel ben Joseph ha-Levi Jewish Prince in Moslem Spain: Selected Poems of Samuel Ibn Nagrela (Judaic Studies Series) 1973 University Alabama Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Misc Poet Khattak, Khushal Khan; Howell, Evelyn (trans); Caroe, Olaf (trans) The Poems of Khushhal Khan Khatak 1963 Peshawar University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Misc Poet Khattak, Khushal Khan; Mackenzie, DN (Trans.) Poems from the Divan of Khushal Khan Khattak 1965 George Allen & Unwin Details
Middle Ages etc. Russian Epic Poem na The Lay of the Warfare Waged by Igor 1981 Progress Publishers Details
Middle Ages etc. Russian Epic Poem Nabokov, Vladimir The Song of Igor's Campaign 1960 Vintage Books Details
Middle Ages etc. Serb Epic Poem Matthias, John; Vuckovic Matthias, John; Battle Of Kosovo 1988 Swallow Details
Middle Ages etc. Spanish Anthology Cole, Peter (ed) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492 (Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation) (Lockert Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492 2007 Princeton University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Spanish Lit Crit Heiple, Daniel L. Garcilaso De LA Vega and the Italian Renaissance 1994 Pennsylvania State University Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Spanish Lit Crit Helgerson, Richard A Sonnet from Carthage: Garcilaso de la Vega and the New Poetry of Sixteenth-Century Europe 2007 University of Pennsylvania Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Spanish Poet Garcilaso De La Vega; Rivers,.Elias L. ed Obras Completas 1964 Ohio State Univ. Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Spanish Poet Manrique, Jorge Poesía completa 2000 Jorge Mesta Editores Details
Middle Ages etc. Spanish Poet Manrique, Jorge; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (trans) Coplas de Jorge Manrique ND Blackwell Details
Middle Ages etc. Turkey Epic Poem; Lit Crit Reichl, Karl Singing the Past: Turkic and Medieval Heroic Poetry 2000 Cornell university press Details
Middle Ages etc. Viking Anthology Poole, Russell G. Viking Poems on War and Peace: A Study in Skaldic Narrative (Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations, Vol 8) 1991 University of Toronto Press Details
Middle Ages etc. Welsh Biography Rees, E. A. A Life of Guto'r Glyn 2008 Y Lolfa Details
Middle Ages etc. Welsh Epic Poem Aneirin; Jarman, A O H (ed) Y Gododdin: Britain's Oldest Heroic Poem (Welsh Classics) 1988 Gomer Press Details
misc Anthology na No Hatred and No Flags 1959 Rowohlt Details
misc American Anthology Raizis, Marios Byron; Papas, Alexander Greek Revolution And the American Muse. a Collection of Philhellenic Poetry 181-1828 1972 Institute for Balkan Studies Details
misc American Anthology Untermeyer, Louis Modern American and British poetry in two volumes Vol 1 American 1944 Harcourt Brace Details
misc American Lit Crit Brunner, Edward Cold War Poetry 2004 University of Illinois Details
misc American Misc; Prose Hedges, Chris War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning 2002 PublicAffairs Details
misc American Poet BARTEL, STEVEN Pray Tell Private Hell: Extracts From the Confessions of a Civil War Soldier 2007 HELLBOUND PRESS Details
misc American Poet Greeley, Mary, P. A Gift from the Heart: A tribute to military life in poetry 2006 Authorhouse Details
misc American Poet Liebler, L. Stripping the Adult Century Bare: New & Selected Writings 1995 Burning Cities Press Details
misc American Poet Moreno, Ralph The Berkeley Love and War Songs 1957 Hartmus Handpress Details
misc American Poet Raze, Floyd D Poems of peace and pieces of war 1902 np Details
misc American Poet Scott, Winfield Townley The Sword on the Table: Thomas Dorr's Rebellion 1942 Norfolk: New Directions Details
misc American Poet Truncale, Joseph J. SEASON OF THE WARRIOR: A POETIC TRIBUTE TO WARRIORS 2003 1st Books Details
misc American; British Lit Crit Shields, David S. Oracles of Empire: Poetry, Politics, and Commerce in British America, 1690-1750 1990 University Of Chicago Press Details
misc American; Liberia Poet Konneh, Nvasekie N. Going to War for America 2003 Trafford Publishing Details
misc Assorted Anthology Lifton, Robert Jay; Humphrey, Nicholas In a Dark Time 1984 Harvard University Press Details
misc Assorted Lit Crit Mulryne, J. R.; Shewring, Margaret War, Literature and the Arts in Sixteenth-Century Europe 1989 St Martins Details
misc Australian Epic Poem Murray, Les Fredy Neptune 1999 Farrar Straus & Giroux Details
misc Australian Poet Duke, Jas H. Poems of War and Peace 1987 Collective Effort Press Details
misc British Anthology Patterson, John Edward. (ed) The Sea's Anthology. From the Earliest Times Down To the Middle of the Nineteenth Century 1913 Heinnemann Details
misc British Anthology Untermeyer, Louis Modern American and British poetry in two volumes Vol 2 British 1944 Harcourt Brace Details
misc British Epic Poem Arnold, Matthew Sohrab and Rustum : An Episode 1896 Bischof & Klein Details
misc British Lit Crit Favret, Mary A. War at a Distance: Romanticism and the Making of Modern Wartime 2009 Princeton University Press Details
misc British Poet Gilmore, John The Poetics of Empire: A Study of James Grainger's the Sugar-Cane 1999 Athlone Press Details
misc British Poet Hamilton, David, Manic Verse 2007 AuthorHouse UK DS Details
misc British Poet Harsent, David Legion 2005 Faber & Faber Details
misc British Poet Otway, Thomas; Ghosh, J C (ed) The Works of Thomas Otway, Plays, Poems and Love Letters Vol 1 1932 Clarendon Press Details
misc British Poet Rollin, Charles The Sack of Jarrow 1905 Blyton Details
misc British Poet Scott, Sir Walter The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, bart. : complete in one volume with all his introductions and notes : also, various readings, and the editors notes 1859 Phillips, Sampson, And Co. Details
misc Canada Anthology Jamie Potty Poems Take the P Part II Toilet Humour about the Soldier 2006 Trafford Publishing Details
misc Canada Misc Davey, Frank Back to the War 2005 Talonbooks Details
misc Canada Poet Drummond, Captain F. S. Poems 1931 xx Details
misc Canada Poet Mulhallen, Karen War Surgery: Prose and Poetry 2003 Black Moss Press Details
misc Chile Poet Agosin, Marjorie; Craige, Betty Jean (trans) Mother, Speak to Us About War / Madre, Hablanos De La Guerra 2006 Sherman Asher Publishing Details
misc Chinese Anthology Hong zan TANG DAI ZHAN SHI: T'ANG DYNASTY WAR POETRY 1987 Details
misc Chinese Anthology Tang, Zi Chang Poems of Tang 1969 T.C. Press Details
misc Chinese Lit Crit Wang, C.H.; Wang, Zhenhua; Yang, Mu From Ritual To Allegory 1988 Chinese University Press Details
misc Danish Anthology Rifbjerg, Klaus; Murray, Steven T.; Nunnally, Tiina War (International Poetry Series, No. 3) 1995 Fjord Press Details
misc France Poet Dorat, Claude Joseph Le Celibataire, Comedie en Cinq Actes et en Vers. 1775 Chez Delalain Details
misc Georgian Poet Rustaveli, Shota The Knight in the Panther's Skin 1979 Sabcjpta Sakartvelo Details
misc Georgian Poet Rusthaveli, Shotha; Wardrop, Majory Scott (trans) The Man in the Panther's Skin 1966 Literature Da Khelovneba Details
misc German Misc Reuter, Mally Kriegserinnerungen War memories 1914 Bischof & Klein Details
misc German Poet Becker, Jurgen Erzahl Mir Nichts Vom Krieg Gedichte 1980 Suhrkamp Details
misc Iran Epic Poem Ferdowsi, Abolqasem; Davis, Dick (trans) Shahnameh: The Persian Book of Kings 2006 Viking Adult Details
misc Iran Lit Crit Davis, Dick Epic and sedition, the case of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh 1992 University of Arkansas Press Details
misc Japan Poet Unknown Japanese War Poety (Japanese) ND unknown Details
misc Japan Poet Unknown Japanese War Poety (Japanese) ND unknown Details
misc Malaysia Poet Killingley, Siew-Yue Where no poppies blow, Poems of War and Conflict 1983 Grevatt Details
misc Mexico Anthology Pacheco, Jose Emilio (ed) Poesia Mexicana 1 1810 - 1914 1979 Promexa Details
misc Mexico Anthology Torres, Carolina Figueroa Señores vengo a contarles--la Revolucion Mexicana a traves de sus corridos 1995 Secretaría de Gobernación, Instituto Nacional de E Details

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