Sergeant Shakespeare
Cooper, Duff
The Viking Press (1950)
In Collection
Lit Crit
Hardcover B000F088VS
USA  English
Product Details
LoC Classification PR3069.M5C6 1950
Dewey 822.33
Nationality British
Pub Place New York
Cover Price $40.00
No. of Pages 96
Height x Width 8.7  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict Middle Ages etc.
Links Amazon US
Duff Cooper, statesman, diplomat and author, was born in 1890. He won the DSO as a second lieutenant in the First World War, and pursued a successful political career until 1938 when, as First Lord of the Admiralty, he resigned in protest at the Munich Agreement. Called back to office in 1940, his wartime career culminated in his appointment as Ambassador to France. Among his best-known books are Talleyrand, Sergeant Shakespeare and his autobiography, Old Men Forget.