Viking Poems on War and Peace: A Study in Skaldic Narrative (Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations, Vol 8) - A Study in Skaldic Narrative, Vol. 8 - Russell Gilbert Poole - Paperback
Russell G. Poole
University of Toronto Press (1991)
In Collection
Paperback 0802067891
Product Details
LoC Classification PT7172.P66 1991
Dewey 839/.61
Nationality Viking
Pub Place Toronto
Cover Price $13.00
No. of Pages 217
Height x Width 9.0 x 6.3  inch
Personal Details
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Conflict Middle Ages etc.
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Composed between the mid-ninth and the end of the fourteenth centuries by 250 named poets, the impressive corpus of skaldic poetry consists of some 40,000 lines.He identifies a special genre of viking poetry dedicated to the description of war or - in a single case - the establishment of peace. The author treats seven such poems, six cast in the skaldic form of a flokkr, a simple sequence composed of five to thirteen stanzas without refrain (in contrast to the more ambitious drápa), and one in the more simple eddaic form of a ljóð (song).