A Boy and His Journey
Woods, James J. (Jimmie Joe)
1st Books (2002)
In Collection
Hardcover 0759659664
I ended my writings loving two small Korean Children I?

I learned well how to hide my war and keep my thoughts from the questioning world outside my head but I couldn't escape the pop-up demons stored inside. I coped by neither talking about nor discussing the demons lurking just below the surface, and in truth in those years my family and friends would have had even less reaction than my family did when I tried to talk about it in January of 1990.

The years 1951 to 1956 were the most difficult. Through the years that followed I managed to slowly pacify and veil that which distressed my mind. Through all this time in my ignorance I thought I was alone with ghosts of war, I alone was not quite man enough to cope, I alone held back tears and alone hid. I was not alone in being so wrong.

I was able to work, raise my family and function quite well but there were always pop-up war visions in my head, keepig me on guard and depriving my mind of lasting peace.
Product Details
Nationality American
Pub Place n.p.
Cover Price $27.95
No. of Pages 296
Height x Width 9.4 x 6.4  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict Korea
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