Rare Sir William Davenant - Poet Laureate, Playwright, Civil War General, Restoration Theatre Manager
Mary Edmond
St Martins (1987)
In Collection
Hardcover 0312007833
Product Details
LoC Classification PR2476.E35 1987
Dewey 821/.4
Nationality British
Pub Place New York
Dust Jacket dj
Cover Price $35.00
No. of Pages 264
Height x Width 7.4 x 5.1  inch
First Edition Yes
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict Middle Ages etc.
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Includes index.

ENGLISH poet and dramatist, SIR WILLIAM DAVENANT, was baptized on the 3rd of March, 1606; he was born at the Crown Inn, Oxford, of which his father, a wealthy vintner, was proprietor. It was stated that Shakespeare always stopped at this house in passing through the city of Oxford, and out of his known or rumoured admiration of the hostess, a very fine woman, there sprang a scandalous story which attributed Davenant's paternity to Shakespeare, a legend which there is reason to believe Davenant himself encouraged, but which later criticism has cast aside as spurious.
enter the service as lieutenant-general of ordnance. He acquitted himself with so much bravery and skill that, after the siege of Gloucester, in 1643, he was knighted by the king. After the battle of Naseby he retired to Paris
Gondibert, the work on which his fame mainly rests, a chivalric epic in the four-line stanza
He died at his house in Lincoln's Inn Fields on the night of the 7th of April 1668, and two days afterwards was buried in Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey, with the inscription "O rare Sir William Davenant!