Kriegsgedichte zur Zeit der Almohaden (Heidelberger orientalistische Studien) - Lang,
Mohamed Attahiri; Mohamed, Attahiri
P. Lang (1992)
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Paperback 3631435282
Product Details
Dewey 892.71/3409358
Nationality Misc
Pub Place Frankfurt
Cover Price $159.65
No. of Pages 279
Height x Width 8.3  inch
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Conflict Middle Ages etc.
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Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität Heidelberg, 1990.

Poetry of the war 1147 - 1269 during the almohaden dynesty

a fanatical sect in the twelfth century in North Africa: the Almohads (al-Muwahhidun, “unifiers,” i.e. strict believers in the unity of God).

The generally harmonious relations that prevailed between the Muslims and Jews throughout the Muslim world in the early medieval period were brutally interrupted with the emergence of a fanatical sect in the twelfth century in North Africa: the Almohads (al-Muwahhidun, “unifiers,” i.e. strict believers in the unity of God).

Ibn Tumart, the founder of the sect, objected to the moral laxity of the Berbers of North Africa and declared war against the Almoravid dynasty then in control of the Maghreb (North Africa and Muslim Spain).

The Almohad Caliph Abu Yakub had a great love for collecting books. He founded a great library, which was eventually carried to the Casbah and turned into a public library.