A Gift from the Heart: A tribute to military life in poetry - A Tribute to Military Life in Poetry
Mary, P. Greeley
Authorhouse (2006)
In Collection
Paperback 1425964001
In America, we have so many freedoms that we daily take for granted. We go about our days, never thinking of those men and women who serve in our military. We never think of the sacrifices they make for us or that their families make for us. Unless you are familiar with a member of the military, you may not understand just how much they give. After a war, or even during one, military personnel and their families do their best to make sure that those freedoms stay in place. Time together is often sacrificed for training missions or when orders come through, for their services away from family. Bravely, they step forward and follow orders they receive. They do their duty, with honor and with the courage they each have, to make sure that we who live here and the generations to come, may have the same freedoms they grew up with and enjoyed. It is simply their daily gift to us. This book not only shares what life is like in many ways for those who have ever served, but it is also a way to say thank you. We owe them all so much, and hopefully this book will lovingly explain why their simple gift to all of us is given so freely.
Product Details
Nationality American
Cover Price $41.49
No. of Pages 148
Height x Width 11.0 x 8.5  inch
Personal Details
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Conflict misc
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her grandfather, father and two older brothers served in the military