Potty Poems Take the P Part II Toilet Humour about the Soldier - Toilet Humour about the Soldier
Trafford Publishing (2006)
In Collection
Paperback 9781412078580
Laugh and the world laughs with Potty Poems
Do you like to laugh? Of course you do, Potty Poems Take the P Part II: Toilet Humour About the Soldier is the second book in the series (Filled with some awesome squadie humour) designed for Squaddies, Ex Squaddies, T A and anyone else with a great sense of humour. Our books are about life, about laughter, about taking the P*** they are like having a swift kick in the b*******s they will bring tears to your eyes but without the pain. All of the Potty Poem books are written by three deadhead brothers who have all been in the forces, Lets be honest you've got to have a sense of humour to even contemplate joining up (Haven't You). Now don't tell us you do not read or like poetry because if you have read book one (Potty Poems for all the workers) we think you may have changed your mind by now, if it hasn't done that then you have not got the sense of humour we are looking for, so do not waste your hard earned cash, However if these books do appeal to you why not treat your family or friends to a small gift for their Birthday or Christmas and let them share in the fun. However always remember it is not our intention to upset, annoy or offend anyone so if you think this book may do that please do not purchase it for them, for what you may interpret as fun may not be funny to someone else. Remember these books are designed for adults, if you are under 18 years of age keep your sticky little mitts off, yes we know you can be rude, crude and swear like a trooper can't all kids nowadays.


Product Details
Nationality Canada
Cover Price $5.60
No. of Pages 58
Height x Width 0.4 x 5.3  inch
First Edition Yes
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict misc
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