Waiting for the Wind: Thirty-Six Poets of Japan's Late Medieval Age (Translations from the Asian Classics) - (thirty-six poets of Japan's late medieval age )
Carter, Steven D. (trans)
Columbia University Press (1989)
In Collection
Hardcover 0231068549
Product Details
LoC Classification PL782.E3W25 1989
Dewey 895.6/12/08
Nationality Japan
Dust Jacket dj
Cover Price $84.00
No. of Pages 353
Height x Width 8.7 x 6.0  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict Middle Ages etc.
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Presents over 400 poems by 36 poets of Japan's late medieval age (1250-1500), along with biographical sketches and critical evaluations of each.

"Waiting for the Wind," which features courtly waka poetry from the form's second flowering around the time of the Shin-Kokinshu in 1206 to its final burst with the monk-poet Shotetsu in the 1400's along with its subsequent dwindling.