Poems by Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1661 - 1720
Anne Finch; Anne Countess of Winchilsea; Murry, John Middleton (ed)
Cape (1928)
In Collection
Hardcover 0804427410
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Nationality British
Pub Place London
No. of Pages 167
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Read It Yes
Conflict English Civil War
Links Barnes & Noble
Anne Finch (née Kingsmill), Countess of Winchilsea (April 1661 in Sydmonton, Hampshire – 5 August 1720 in Westminster, Middlesex), was one of the first female English poets to be published.

1700 - 4: Although Anne and Heneage began to stay at Eastwell for longer periods, they were not yet living there; rather they lived nearby, at Wye College. This is clear from two letters from Heneage, one dated October 12, 1700, the other, May 14, 1702; and two poems by Anne, one referring to a campaign by Prince Eugene which occurred in spring 1701 and to a workman at Wye who volunteered and lost his life in the war, the other dated March 25, 1703.