Warrior writers : move, shoot and communicate : a collection of creative writing
Calica, Lovella (ed); Iraq Veterans Against the War
Iraq Veterans Against the War (2008)
In Collection
Product Details
Nationality American
Pub Place Philadelphia
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Read It Yes
Conflict Iraq
On April 21st, 2007, Lovella Calicia from Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) conducted a writing workshop at the Green Door Studio designed to help veterans deal with their experience of war through personal writing. Later that evening, several participants shared their words with each other at the opening of the "Re-making Sense" exhibit. A handmade book, Warrior Writers: Move, Shoot and Communicate, created in collaboration with The People's Republic of Paper, was also released and is available for sale to benefit the Warrior Writers project. A second book, Re-making Sense, based on the writing from the April 21st workshop, is expected soon and will be bound at the Green Door Studio using paper made by the Re-making Sense crew.

Warrior Writers: Move, Shoot and Communicate

A collection of writing by Iraq Veterans Against the War - This book is a weapon against war. "In our writing, we find that we can create beauty and life from our tears and pain."

Performances by Iraq Veterans Against the War

Members of the organization, participants of the writing workshops and contributors to the book shared their thoughts. And by sharing created a spiritual connection with one another.

Photographs, Paintings and Installation

Artwork by Iraq Veterans Against the War along with portraits of members and photos of "Operation First Casualty" by Lovella Calicia.