The Baghdad Blues - Poems
Sinan Antoon
Harbor Mountain Press (2007)
In Collection
Paperback 9780978600945
Product Details
Nationality Iraq
Cover Price $10.00
No. of Pages 42
Height x Width 7.7 x 4.8  inch
Personal Details
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Conflict Iraq
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The Baghdad Blues presents documentary filmmaker/co-creator of About Baghdad, Sinan Antoon's first poems in English. Antoon studied in Baghdad and moved to the States after the Gulf War. Since then, Sinan Antoon completed his dissertation at Harvard, has taught Arabic and literature at Dartmouth and NYU, and has a novella just published by City Lights. Antoon's poems?many of them published in Banipal (London) and Across Borders, as well as anthologized?are not quite the thin trails they would appear to be. Antoon's line, although lyrical, is packed with the absence and fury which ought to make us shake a fist at the skies. If it were only the sky's fault.