Obras Completas
Garcilaso De La Vega; Rivers,.Elias L. ed
Ohio State Univ. Press (1964)
In Collection
Hardcover 8441415064
Product Details
Nationality Spanish
Dust Jacket dj
Cover Price $164.12
Height x Width 9.0 x 9.0  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict Middle Ages etc.
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Garcilaso de la Vega (Toledo, c. 1501– Le Muy, Nice, France, October 14, 1536), was a Spanish soldier and poet.

Garcilaso's military career meant that he took part in the numerous battles and campaigns conducted by Carlos V across Europe. His duties took him to Italy, Germany, Tunisia and France. In 1532 for a short period he was exiled to a Danube island where he was the guest of the Baron György Cseszneky, royal court judge of Gyor. Later in France, he would fight his last battle. The King desired to take control of Marseille and eventually control of the Mediterranean Sea, but this goal was never realized. Garcilaso de la Vega died on October 14, 1536 in Nice, France after suffering 25 days from an injury sustained in a battle at Le Muy.

His eclogues, sonnets and other poems are seen as a model of the penetration of italian renaissance art in Spain. They were published as an appendix to posthumous works by Boscan in 1543.