Shahnameh: The Persian Book of Kings - the Persian book of kings
Abolqasem Ferdowsi; Davis, Dick (trans)
Viking Adult (2006)
In Collection
Epic Poem
Hardcover 9780670034857
Product Details
LoC Classification PK6456.A13 .D3813 2006
Dewey 891.5511
Nationality Iran
No. of Pages 928
Height x Width 9.4 x 6.6  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Purchase Price $45.00
Conflict misc
Library of Congress
FERDOWSI was born in Khorasan in a village near Tus, in 940. His great epic the Shahnameh, to which he devoted most of his adult life, was originally composed for the Samanid princes of Khorasan, who were the chief instigators of the revival of Persian cultural traditions after the Arab conquest of the seventh century. During Ferdowsi's lifetime this dynasty was conquered by the Ghaznavid Turks, and there are various stories in medieval texts describing the lack of interest shown by the new ruler of Khorasan, Mahmud of Ghazni, in Ferdowsi and his lifework. Ferdowsi is said to have died around 1020 in poverty and embittered by royal neglect, though confident of his and his poem's ultimate fame.

Among the great works of world literature, perhaps one of the least familiar to English readers is the Shahnameh: ThePersian Book of Kings, the national epic of Persia. This prodigious narrative, composed by the poet Ferdowsi between the years 980 and 1010, tells the story of pre- Islamic Iran, beginning in the mythic time of Creation and continuing forward to the Arab invasion in the seventh century.As a window on the world, Shahnamehbelongs in the company of such literary masterpieces as Dantes Divine Comedy, the plays of Shakespeare, the epics of Homer classics whose reach and range bring whole cultures into view. In its pages are unforgettable moments of national triumph and failure, human courage and cruelty, blissful love and bitter grief.In tracing the roots of Iran, Shahnamehinitially draws on the depths of legend and then carries its story into historical times, when ancient Persia was swept into an expanding Islamic empire. Now Dick Davis, the greatest modern translator of Persian poetry, has revisited that poem, turning the finest stories of Ferdowsis original into an elegant combination of prose and verse. For the first time in English, in the most complete form possible, readers can experience Shahnamehin the same way that Iranian storytellers have lovingly conveyed it in Persian for the past thousand years.