A Soldier's Words
Boykin, Roderick Andre
Lulu.com (2006)
In Collection
USA  English
Product Details
Nationality American
No. of Pages 56
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Conflict Iraq
"This book will deploy you to the War in Iraq while you travel with a soldier of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) during the days and nights of OIF I (2003-2004) & OIF IV (2005-2006). This book offers you the emotional mindset of a soldier during his tour of duty and also it will illustrate the emotional roller coasters that a soldier may experience during war and time away from family and friends. These poems were written at times of loneliness, homesickness, moments of love and periods of excitement, but also they depict the feelings of this one soldier. These poems will allow you to feel some of the feelings that the author was experiencing during his days of the War in Iraq. Enjoy!"