Philippide de Guillaume-le-Breton
Delepierre, Octave (ed); Guillaume le Breton
BiblioLife (2010)
In Collection
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Edition reprint
Nationality Belgium
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Conflict Middle Ages etc.
reprint of 1841 edition

Guillaume Le Breton, born about 1165 in Leon and died in 1226 , was a priest Breton . He was the chaplain and biographer of the King of France Philip Augustus which he wrote a biography decomposed into Philippide The songs between 1214 and 1224 and the eulogy. William the Breton The Philippide dedicated to Pierre Charlot , the natural son of Philip II he was commissioned by the king of education and added a dedication to his poem for of Louis VIII .

Guillaume Le Breton is the successor, until 1224 , Gesta Philippi Augusti of the Pierre Rigord , later incorporated in the Grandes Chroniques de France .

At the request of the king, he rewrote the story in The Philippide of his reign in a more watered down, thus passing over in silence many facts that tarnished its image as a righteous king, especially concerning the imprisonment of his second wife Ingeborg of Denmark which Guillaume le Breton said that the king was separated while paying him enough to support himself for more than six years, whereas it had remained a prisoner for twenty years in the most cruel deprivation as well as attested Rigord.