There Comes a Time... : Poetry of Desert Era Veterens
Covington, Patrick Wayne
Hercules Publishing (2012)
In Collection
Softcover 9781470057527 90000
Product Details
Nationality American
Pub Place Yoakum, Texas
Dust Jacket no
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Conflict Iraq
Not on WorldCat

Back cover : "The writers whose work is featured in this anthology come from a diverse sampling of Americans. Some were or are professional military members; others served a hitch or two and then applied themselves in other endeavours. The point of view of the military spouse is also represented. These pieces come from Christians, Buddhists, Athiests and thsoe who reject spiritual identity altogether. Writers of varied racial and economic backgrounds are included. The poems of gay, straight, and sexually unlabeled folks have been included. Some of these writers vote as Republicans, others as Democrats, while others have a completely alternate and fresh vision for American public service."

With poems by: Kim Reeves, Al Dias, Melissa Ripple Thompson, mark E. Hardin, A. Tyne, Brad Pesek, Cleo Riley, Jason Betts, Amanda Rinker, Matthew Grunder, PW Covington and Gordon L. Ewell