The Poems of Edmund Waller
Waller, Edmund; Druy, G Thorn (ed)
Lawrence Bullen  (1893)
In Collection
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Nationality British
Pub Place London
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Conflict English Civil War
Author: Waller, Edmund, & Drury, G. Thorn, Edited By Ask a Question
Title: The Poems of Edmund Waller
Description: As stated, "Two Hundred Copies of This Edition have been printed on large paper. No. 28." Part of "the Muse's Library" series. Fine portrait frontispiece of Waller. A grand introduction by Drury. 352pp. Gilt top foredge, in white half-vellum and light green paper-covered boards, with mild soiling to vellum at spine.

During the troubled 1640s, Waller tried to maintain a moderate course between the King and his opponents. In 1643 he devised a plot to to oust the Parliamentary rebels, "Roundheads", and to secure London for the King. When the plot, known as "Waller's Plot", was discovered in May, Waller was arrested and brought before the Parliament. Waller confessed and pleaded for mercy, but his freedom lay in bribes and betrayal of his co-conspirators—Waller was fined heavily (£10,000) and exiled. Waller lived in Paris, travelling occasionally in Italy and Switzerland, until 1652 when he was allowed to return. He returned to Parliament and was returned to royal favor at the Restoration. Waller died in his bed, aged 82, 21 October 1687.

Waller was a celebrated poet and wit in his lifetime, and many of his poems had long circulated in manuscript before the 1645 publication of his Poems. The first fully authorized edition was that of 1664. In 1655 appeared the "Panegyrick to my Lord Protector", celebrating Cromwell, and in 1660 "To the King, Upon His Majesty's Happy Return", celebrating the restoration of King Charles II.