Henry Vaughan: Selected Poems (Golden Age of Spiritual Writing) - Selected Writing
Henry Vaughan; Cluysenaar, Ann (ed)
SPCK Publishing (2003)
In Collection
Paperback 0281055424
A valuable initiation into the work of this brilliant seventeenth century poet.

Editor Anne Cluysenaar
Product Details
Nationality British
Cover Price $21.00
No. of Pages 192
Height x Width 8.5 x 5.4  inch
Personal Details
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Conflict English Civil War
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Henry Vaughan (1621-1695) was part of a group known as the cavalier poets because they supported the king in the civil war. He was a Welshman and fought in wale. He was educated at Oxford, and his poetry was influenced by George Herbert. This anthology is introduced by Anne Cluysenaar, an acknowledged expert on Henry Vaughan's work