From a Soldier's Wife
Townsend, Jamie (2006)
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USA  English
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Nationality American
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Conflict Iraq
What is a hero? Many would say,a hero is one who would die so that others may live on. One who would put his own life in danger, to save or protect a person, or people he has never met. To save a nation, or a freedom in peril. To become a hero... One must perish. Why? What is a hero? A hero is a soldier. A friend taken too soon. A father. A husband. A brother. A son. My best friend. Who never knew how much he was loved in life. Perhaps he may know now... He is still loved in death. Harley D.R. Miller American Hero. What is a hero? A man that would sacrifice his own life to ensure that his family can have a better one. An American soldier very dear to me. An American soldier with a strength and honor no man could shake. Dedicated and sharing. Handsome and strong. He has a dream that by no means could he ever overlook, and a hope that could never be overcome. A hero that carries with him my love, loyalty, and support. A hero. A husband. Justin Riley Townsend. American Hero

in preface to her other self published book she states "When my husband left for Iraq, he left the man of my dreams. When he came home from war, he was living his worst nightmare.