Army of One (Year+): An Army Reservist in Iraq And Kuwait - Operation Iraqie freedom in pictures and poetry
Szabo. Gabor J
Yggdrasil Press (2008)
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USA  English
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Nationality American
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Conflict Iraq
Links Storefront for Gabor J. Szabo Iraqie war vet
Take away the heroics and patriotism that are the main topics of books on war and you are left with the raw emotional conflicts that every soldier experiences. The aim of this book is to pull the reader into the mindset of an American soldier in the Iraq conflict through photographs and poetry, and hopefully leave one with a better understanding of the bulletholes which war leaves on the human condition.

"The poems represent feelings of desperation and anger, hope and camaraderie. The photos document the life of a common reservist. They are not images of the graphic gore or violence that wins Pulitzers, but of an innocent fascination with an alien world, the curiosity of an ancient people misunderstood and in limbo, and of an infrastructure destroyed by American artillery. It is the experience of war told impressionistically from one who lived, saw, and heard it first hand." -Vincent D. Pisano, from the Forward