Echenberg Collection of Warpoetry arranged by Conflict
  Conflict Nationality Genre Author Title Publication Year Publisher  
WW1 British Poet Lewys', Georges Epic of Verdun and Ballads of France 1928 Lavater-Dorette Details
WW1 British Poet Lias, H. J. Oddments 1926 Chamberlain Details
WW1 British Poet Light, John Two Gardens And Other Poems 1921 Private Print Details
WW1 British Poet Linklater, Eric A Dragon Laughed and Other Poems 1930 Jonathan Cape Details
WW1 British Poet Lion, Leon M. (psued); Burdett, Osbert The Importance of Art in Wartime ; The Resurrection of Rheims 1920 Herdersons Details
WW1 British Poet Lister, Edward Memories of 1915 And Other Verses 1922 Elliot Stock Details
WW1 British Poet Lloyd, William Poems 1928 Ingpen & Grant Details
WW1 British Poet Lofting, Hugh Porridge Poetry 2005 Doctor Doolittle's Library Details
WW1 British Poet Looker, Samuel J. Songs of the Wayside : Lyrics And Sonnets 1916 National Labour Press Details
WW1 British Poet Lucas, Edward Verrall The Debt (a Poem) Reprinted From "the Sphere" 1914 Methuen Details
WW1 British Poet Lucas, F. L. Poems 1935 1935 The University Press Details
WW1 British Poet Lusted, Charles T. The Garden of Heaven And Other Poems 1926 T. Werner Laurie Details
WW1 British Poet Lynd, Sylvia The Goldfinches 1920 Richard Cobden-Sanderson Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, Lilian Bowes Bright Feather Fading 1936 Jonathan Cape Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, Lilian Bowes A Rough Walk Home And Other Poems 1946 Jonathan Cape Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, P.H.B. P. H. B. Lyon : the Augustan Books of Poetry 1931 Ernest Benn Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, P.H.B., M.C. Songs of Youth And War 1918 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, P.H.B., M.C. Turn Fortune 1923 Constable Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, P.H.B., M.C. Turn Fortune 1923 Constable Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, Percy Hugh Beverley P. H. B. Lyon. Select Poems (Augustan Books of Poetry.) 1931 Benn Details
WW1 British Poet Lyon, Walter Scott Stuart Easter at Ypres 1915 and Other Poems 1916 Maclehose Details
WW1 British Poet Lyons, James Sons of the Empire and Other Poems 1916 John Heywook Details
WW1 British Poet Lyons, James Sons of the Empire and Other Poems 1916 John Heywook Details
WW1 British Poet Macartney, Lieut. Carlile Aylmer Poems 1915 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Macartney, Lieut. Carlile Aylmer Poems 1915 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Macaulay, Rose Three Days 1919 Constable Details
WW1 British Poet MacColl., D. S. A German Peace : Flyting To Herr Houston Stewart Chamberlain 1916 James Maclehose Details
WW1 British Poet MacDonald, J Poems by a Roadside Stationmaster 1918 W. Culross Details
WW1 British Poet Macfie, Ronald Campbell Odes And Other Poems 1919 John Murray Details
WW1 British Poet Macfie, Ronald Campbell War 1918 John Murray Details
WW1 British Poet Macgill, Patrick Soldier Songs 1917 Herbert Jenkins Limited Details
WW1 British Poet MacGill, Patrick Soldier Songs 1917 Jenkins Details
WW1 British Poet MacGill, Patrick Soldier Songs 1917 Jenkins Details
WW1 British Poet MacGill, Patrick Soldier Songs 1917 Jenkins Details
WW1 British Poet MacGregor, Alasdair Alpin The deserted garden, and other collected poems 1970 Kingsmead Press Details
WW1 British Poet Mackenzie, Orgill Poems and Stories 1933 J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Mackereth, James Allan The Red, Red Dawn 1917 E. Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Mackereth, James Allan The Red, Red Dawn 1917 E. Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Mackie, David Songs of An Ayrshire Yeoman 1919 A. Gardner Details
WW1 British Poet Mackintosh, E. A. A Highland Regiment 1917 John Lane Details
WW1 British Poet Mackintosh, E. A. A Highland Regiment 1917 John Lane Details
WW1 British Poet Mackintosh, E. A. War, the Liberator And Other Pieces 1918 John Lane Details
WW1 British Poet Mackintosh, E. A. War, the Liberator And Other Pieces, with a Memoir 1918 John Lane Details
WW1 British Poet MacLean Watt, Lauchlan Britannia's Answer And Other War Poems 1914 S. Low, Marston & Co., Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet MacLeish, Archibald Poems 1943 John Lane, The Bodley Head Details
WW1 British Poet Macleod, John Macedonian Measures And Others 1919 The University Press Details
WW1 British Poet MacLeod, S. B. Poems of Love And War 1918 Simpkin Marshall Details
WW1 British Poet Maitland, Francis Poems 1917 Elkin Mathews Details
WW1 British Poet Malcolm, Ian Stuff And Nonsense : a Book of War Verses 1919 Hodder and Stoughton Details
WW1 British Poet Malloch, George Reston Poems and lyrics, 1916 William Heinemann Details
WW1 British Poet Manning, Frederic Eidola 1917 Murray Details
WW1 British Poet Manning, Frederic Eidola 1917 Murray & Gee Details
WW1 British Poet Manning, Frederic Poems 1910 John Murray Details
WW1 British Poet Manning, Frederic The Virgil of Brunhild : A Narrative Poem 1907 Murray & Gee Details
WW1 British Poet MANSFIELD, Katherine Poems 1930 Constable & Company Details
WW1 British Poet Markham, Edwin The Gates of Paradise and Other Poems : The Fourth Volume of Verse 1920 Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, New York Details
WW1 British Poet MARKLAND, Russell Ultimate Light : Poems 1919 N. Ling & Co. Details
WW1 British Poet Marsden, W. Murray The Wine Drop And Other Poems 1922 Alexander Morning Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Martin, John Day Dreams : Poems 1923 Stockwell Details
WW1 British Poet Martin, Walter Waddelow Further Musings in France : a Little Book of Verse Written During the Great War 1914-1918 1918 Le Havre Details
WW1 British Poet Martineau, Gerard Durani A Score, a Score, And Ten : Poems 1927 Methuen Details
WW1 British Poet Masefield, Charles J. B. Poems 1919 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Poet Masefield, John Lollingdon Downs And Other Poems, with Sonnets 1917 William Heinemann Details
WW1 British Poet Masefield, John Poems 1946 Heinemann Details
WW1 British Poet Masefield, John Sonnets And Poems 1916 Author Details
WW1 British Poet Maucaulay, H. Casuals 1928 Jackson Wylie Details
WW1 British Poet Maxwell, Gordon S. The Rhymes of Amot Orlaunch And Other m.L. Odies And Verses 1919 Dent Details
WW1 British Poet Maynard, Theodore Drums of Defeat and Other Poems 1917 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Maynard, Theodore Folly and Other Poems 1918 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet McFarlane, Alfred Suvla Bay (August 21st, 1915) 1937 Channing Details
WW1 British Poet McGuire, Maude One-and-Twenty : The Little Books of Georgian Verse : War Time Series 1918 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet McIntosh, Hugh P.F., M.C. A Soldier Looks at Beauty 1928 Simpkin Marshall Details
WW1 British Poet McLeod, Irene Rutherford The Darkest Hour 1918 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Poet McLeod, Irene Rutherford Swords for Life 1916 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Poet Mcmaster, Bryce The Stranger And Other Poems 1923 Edward Arnold Details
WW1 British Poet Mcmaster, Bryce The Stranger And Other Poems 1923 Edward Arnold Details
WW1 British Poet Megroz, R. L. Personal Poems 1919 Elkin Mattews Details
WW1 British Poet Mew, Charlotte The Farmer's Bride 1929 The Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Poet Mew, Charlotte The Farmer's Bride 1921 The Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Poet Mew, Charlotte The Rambling Sailor 1929 Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Poet Meyerstein, Edward Harry William In Time of War : Poems 1942 Richards Press Details
WW1 British Poet Meynell, Alice Father of Women And Other Poems 1917 Burns & Oates Details
WW1 British Poet Meynell, Alice A Father of Women, and Other Poems 1917 Burns & Oates Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Meynell, Alice The Poems of Alice Meynell: Complete Edition 1925 Scribners Details
WW1 British Poet Meynell, Alice The Poems of Alice Meynell : Complete Edition 1940 Oxford Univ Press Details
WW1 British Poet Meynell, Wilfrid Aunt Sarah And the War 1916 Burns & Oates Details
WW1 British Poet Meynell, Wilfrid Rhymes with Reasons 1918 Burns & Oates Details
WW1 British Poet Meynell, Wilfrid Rhymes with Reasons 1918 Burns & Oates Details
WW1 British Poet MILES, SUSAN Annotations 1922 Humphrey Milford Details
WW1 British Poet Miles, Susan (pseud); Roberts, Ursula Dunch : Poems, Adventurers All Series, No. Xviii 1918 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Poet Millar, David Screeds and Scribbles 1920 Ayrshire Post Details
WW1 British Poet Miller, Alan Random Rhymes 1920 Birkenhead Details
WW1 British Poet Mills, Willam Hathorn Sacred Verse 1921 Wayside Press Details
WW1 British Poet Mills, Willam Hathorn (trans) (ed) Memories of School Days 1921 Barnum & Flagg Co Details
WW1 British Poet Milne, A. A For the Luncheon Interval : Cricket and Other Verses 1925 Methuen Details
WW1 British Poet Minchin, Desmond P. Poems : Written Between the Ages of Fourteen And Twenty-One. with a Portrait 1946 unknown Details
WW1 British Poet Mitchell, John Bydand: Poems of War and Peace 1918 William Smith Details
WW1 British Poet Mitchell, John Bydand: Poems of War and Peace 1918 William Smith Details
WW1 British Poet Mond, Henry Poems of Dawn and the Night 1919 Chapman & Hall Details
WW1 British Poet Monro, Harold Children of Love 1914 The Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Poet Monro, Harold Strange Meetings 1921 Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Poet Monro, Harold; Monro, Alida (ed) The Collected Poems of Harold Monro 1933 Cobden-Sanderson Details
WW1 British Poet Monro, Harold, Strange Meetings 1921 The Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Poet Moore, Bernard. A Cornish Chorus 1919 Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd. Details
WW1 British Poet Moore, Rev. G. H. Songs And Poems 1914 Midland Counties Herald Details
WW1 British Poet Morgan, Evan At Dawn : Poems, Profane And Religious 1924 Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Details
WW1 British Poet Morris, Francis St. Vincent The Poems of Francis St. Vincent Morris 1917 B.H. Blackwell Details
WW1 British Poet Morris, Francis St. Vincent The Poems of Francis St. Vincent Morris 1917 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Poet Mottram, R.H. Poems : New And Old 1930 Duckworth Details
WW1 British Poet Mottram, R.H. Twelve poems 1968 Daedalus P Details
WW1 British Poet Munro, Alida (ed) Harold Munro Collected Poems 1970 Gerald Duckworth Details
WW1 British Poet Munro, Neil The Poetry of Neil Munro 1931 William Blackwood Details
WW1 British Poet Murray, Charles Hamewith and Other Poems 1927 Constable Details
WW1 British Poet Murray, Charles A Sough O'War 1917 Constable Details
WW1 British Poet Murry, John Middleton Poems : 1916-20 1921 Richard Cobden-Sanderson Details
WW1 British Poet Murry, John Middleton Poems : 1916-20 1921 Richard Cobden-Sanderson Details
WW1 British Poet na FIRE FAMINE SLAUGHTER KAISER WW1 1918 WAR POETRY 1918 the graphic Details
WW1 British Poet na The Undiscovered Island And Other Verses 1919 pp Details
WW1 British Poet Nadja (pseud); Malacrida, Nadja For Empire And Other Poems 1916 Arthur L. Humphreys Details
WW1 British Poet Nadja (pseud); Malacrida, Nadja The Full Heart : Poems 1919 A. L. Humphreys Details
WW1 British Poet Nash, D.W. The Fox's Prophecy 1995 Michael Joseph Details
WW1 British Poet Nesbit, E. Many Voices : Poems 1922 Hutchinson & Co , London Details
WW1 British Poet Nesbitt, H.A., M.A. Neuve Chapelle and Other Poems 1916 Kegan Paul, Trench Details
WW1 British Poet Nesbitt, H.A., M.A. Neuve Chapelle And Other Poems 1916 Kegan Paul, Trench Details
WW1 British Poet Nevinson, Henry W. Lines of Life 1920* Allen & Unwin Details
WW1 British Poet Nevinson, Henry Woodd Essays, poems and tales of Henry W. Nevinson,: 1948 V. Gollancz Details
WW1 British Poet Nevinson, Henry Woodd Henry W. Nevinson (the Augustan Books of Modern Poetry [ed. By Edward Thompson]) 1926 Benn Details
WW1 British Poet Newbolt, Sir Henry St. George's Day And Other Poems 1918 John Murray Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Ardours and Endurances : Also a Faun's Holiday & Poems and Phantasies 1917 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Ardours and Endurances : Also, A Faun's Holiday & Poems and Phantasies 1918 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Ardours and Endurances : Also, A Faun's Holiday & Poems and Phantasies 1917 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Ardours and Endurances : Also, A Faun's Holiday & Poems and Phantasies 1918 Stokes Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Aurelia & Other Poems 1920 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Aurelia & Other Poems 1920 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Fisbo, or, The Looking-Glass Loaned 1934 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Invocation : War Poems and Others 1915 Elkin Mathews Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert Robert Nichols : Benn's Augustan Books of Poetry 1932 Ernest Benn Details
WW1 British Poet Nichols, Robert A Year's Grain. (1920-1921.) 1921 privately printed Details
WW1 British Poet Nicholson, Norman Five Rivers 1944 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Nicklin, J. A. And They Went To War 1914 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW1 British Poet Norton, Hon. Eleanour Magic And Other Poems 1922 John G. Wilson Details
WW1 British Poet Noyes, Alfred The Elfin Artist And Other Poems 1920 Blackwood Details
WW1 British Poet Noyes, Alfred A Salute from the Fleet 1915 Methuen Details
WW1 British Poet Noyes, Alfred A Salute From the Fleet And Other Poems 1915 Methuen Details
WW1 British Poet Noyes, Alfred Selected Verse Including a Victory Dance And Other Poems Old And New 1923 W. Blackwood and sons Details
WW1 British Poet Noyes, Alfred The Avenue of the Allies and Victory 1918 Book Committee for Art War Reflief Details
WW1 British Poet Noyes, Alfred; Hassam, Childe (frontispiece) The Avenue of the Allies and Victory 1918 Art War Relief Details
WW1 British Poet Observer, R.F.C. (pseud) Oxford And Flanders 1916 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Poet O'Connor, Armel. A Singer In Palestine 1919 Mary's Meadow Press Details
WW1 British Poet OGILVIE, Juliet Ad Vitam : Poems 1923 Cassell & Co. Details
WW1 British Poet Oman, Carola The Menin Road And Other Poems 1919 Hodder & Stoughton Details
WW1 British Poet Opener, T.I.N. (pseud); Gay, James F. The Rubaiyat of a Maconochie Ration 1920 Gay and Hancock Details
WW1 British Poet Opener, T.I.N. (pseud); Gay, James F. The Rubaiyat of a Maconochie Ration 1920 Gay and Hancock Details
WW1 British Poet Owen Rutter, Captain The Song of Tiadatha 1920 T Fisher Unwin Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred Anthem for a Doomed Youth 1982 Ashley Lane Press Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred Anthem for Doomed Youth: A Poem 1982 Ashby Lane Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred The Collected Poems of Wilfred Owen 1963 New Directions Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred The Collected Poems of Wilfred Owens 1965 New Directions Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred Poems ND B W Huebsch Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred Poems Huebsch Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred The Poems of Wilfred Owen 1986 Norton Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred The Poems of Wilfred Owens 1986 W W Norton & Co Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred War Poems 1983 Perdix Details
WW1 British Poet Owen, Wilfred; Whitehead, John (ed) Disabled and Other Poems 1995 Hearthstone Publishing Details
WW1 British Poet Oxenham, John "All's Well", Some Helpful Verse For These Dark Days of War 1915 Methuen Details
WW1 British Poet Oxenham, John All's Well! Some Helpful Verse for these Dark Days of War 1915 Oxenham, John Details
WW1 British Poet Oxenham, John The coming of peace. Three poems 1918 Details
WW1 British Poet Oxenham, John Hearts Courageous 1918 Methuen Details
WW1 British Poet Oxenham, John High Altars : The Battle-Fields of France and Flanders as I Saw Them 1918 Methuen & Co. Ltd. Details
WW1 British Poet Oxenham, John Selected Poems 1924 T Fisher Unwin Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Oxenham, John Selected Poems of John Oxenham. 1948 HARPER Details
WW1 British Poet Palmer, Charles A Waifs 1918 Western Gazette Details
WW1 British Poet PALMER, Frederick C A Legend Of Liberty and Other Verse 1916 Cornish Bros. Details
WW1 British Poet Palmer, Herbert Two Fishers And Other Poems 1918 Elkin Mathews Details
WW1 British Poet Palmer, Herbert E The Armed Muse 1930 Hogarth Details
WW1 British Poet Parker, Eric Sussex Woods And Other Verse 1936 Eyre & Spottiswood Details
WW1 British Poet PARRY, Harold In Memoriam Harold Parry 1918 W.H. Smith & son Details
WW1 British Poet Petre, Enid Autumn Leaves 1915 1915 A.L. Humphreys Details
WW1 British Poet Petre, Enid Fallen Petals 1917 A.L. Humphreys Details
WW1 British Poet Philip, Terence Poems Written At Ruhleben 2010 BiblioBazaar Details
WW1 British Poet Philip, Terence Poems Written At Ruhleben 1920 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Phillimore, John Swinnerton Things New and Old 1918 Milford Details
WW1 British Poet Philloptts, Eden A Harvesting 1924 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Philloptts, Eden A Hundred Lyrics 1930 Ernest Benn Details
WW1 British Poet Philloptts, Eden Plain Song 1914 -1916 1917 Macmillan Details
WW1 British Poet Phillpots, Eden Plain Song : 1914-1916 1917 Heinemann Details
WW1 British Poet PHILLPOTTS, EDEN Brother Man 1926 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Piggot, Arthur Poems 1920 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Plowman, Max The Golden Heresy 1914 privately printed Details
WW1 British Poet Plowman, Max A Lap full of Seed 1914 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Poet Plowman, Max A Lap Full of Seed 1917 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Poet Plowman, Max, Shoots n the Stubble 1920 C. W. Daniel, ltd. Details
WW1 British Poet Poland, Richard Hichens Poems (1933 - 1936) ND privately printed Details
WW1 British Poet Pope, Jessie Hits & Misses 1920 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Pope, Jessie Jessie Pope's War Poems 1915 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Pope, Jessie Jessie Pope's War Poems 1915 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Porter, Alan The Signature of Pain And Other Poems 1930 Cobden-Sanderson Details
WW1 British Poet Porter, Alan The Signature of Pain and Other Poems 1930 Cobden-Sanderson Details
WW1 British Poet Porter, Alan The Signature of Spain and Other Poems 1930 Cobden-Sanderson Details
WW1 British Poet Postgate, Margaret Margaret Postgate's Poems 1918 G. Allen & Unwin Details
WW1 British Poet Powell, Sydney Walter One-Way Street And Other Poems 1934 George G. Harrap Details
WW1 British Poet Powley, Edward B. Poems 1914-1950 1950 Frederick Mullter, Ltd. Details
WW1 British Poet Powys, John Cowper Mandragora : Poems 1975 Village Press Details
WW1 British Poet Powys, John Cowper; Hopkins, Kenneth A Selection From His Poems 1964 Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Prince, F. T. Soldiers Bathing And Other Poems 1954 Fortune Press Details
WW1 British Poet Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur The Sacred Way Reprint From the Cambridge Magazine 1916 Heffer Details
WW1 British Poet Quin, Roger Midnight in Yarrow and Other Poems 1918 Gowans & Gray Details
WW1 British Poet Rae, Elsie S. Private John M'Pherson 1918 wyllie Details
WW1 British Poet Rae, Elsie S. Private John M'pherson And Other War Poems 1918 D. Wyllie & Son Details
WW1 British Poet Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una The Dales of Arcady 1918 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Read, Herbert A World within a War 1944 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Read, Herbert Ambush 1930 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Read, Herbert Collected Poems 1966 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Read, Herbert Collected Poems : 1913-25 1926 Faber and Gwyer Details
WW1 British Poet Read, Herbert The End of a War 1933 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Read, Herbert Poems : 1914-1934 1938 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Read, Herbert The End of a War 1933 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Reade, Arthur Robert Poems of Love And War 1915 George Allen & Unwin Details
WW1 British Poet REES, Aubrey The Heroic Spirit and Other Verses 1918 Walbrook & Co. Details
WW1 British Poet Reeves, James Subsong 1969 Heinemann Educational Publishers Details
WW1 British Poet Renshaw, C. A Battle And Beyond 1917 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Renshaw, C. A England's Boys : a Woman's War Poems 1916 Erskine Macdonald Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Renshaw, C. A Narcotics 1924 Merton Details
WW1 British Poet Renshaw, C. A. (Constance Ada) England's Boys 1918 Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Renshaw, C. A. (Constance Ada) Lest We Forget 1937 Shakespeare Head Press Details
WW1 British Poet Renshaw, C. A. (Constance Ada) Lest We Forget 1937 Shakespeare Head Press Details
WW1 British Poet Rhoades, James Words By the Wayside 1915 Chapman & Hall Details
WW1 British Poet Rhys, Ernest The Leaf Burners And Other Poems 1918 J.M. Dent & Sons Details
WW1 British Poet Rickword, Edgell Behind the Eyes 1976 Carcanet Details
WW1 British Poet Rickword, Edgell Behind the Eyes 1921 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW1 British Poet Rickword, Edgell Collected Poems of Edgell Rickword 1947 Bodley Head Details
WW1 British Poet Rickword, Edgell Fifty Poems : A Selection 1970 Enitharmon Details
WW1 British Poet Rickword, Edgell Invocations to Angels and The Happy New Year 1928 Wishart Details
WW1 British Poet Riddle, A. E. S. The Vandal 1926 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Roberts, Cecil Charing Cross And Other Poems of the Period 1919 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Roberts, Cecil Twenty-six Poems 1917 Dodd Mead Details
WW1 British Poet Roberts, Cecil Twenty-Six Poems 1917 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Poet Roberts, Cecil War Poems : Collected Edition 1916 James Clarke & Co Details
WW1 British Poet Roberts, E. L. Frightful Chrymes 1918 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Roberts, Flight Lieutenant Peter Take-Off At Dusk And Other Poems 1944 Frederick Muller Ltd. Details
WW1 British Poet Robertson, Alexander Comrades 1916 E. Mathews Details
WW1 British Poet Roebuck, John The Everlasting Quest And Other Poems 1918 John Avery & Co Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac The Collected Works Of Isaac Rosenberg: Poetry, Prose, Letters And Some Drawnings 1937 Chatto and Windus Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Moses: A Play 1916 Paragon Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Poems 1922 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Poems 1922 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Poems by Issac Rosenberg 1922 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Poems by Issac Rosenberg 1922 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Poetry Out of My Head And Heart Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Rosenberg, Issac in Art and Letters Sept 1919 1919 Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac The Selected Poems of Isaac Rosenberg 2003 Cecil Woolf Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac The Collected Poems of Isaac Rosenberg 1974 Schocken Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac The Collected Works of Isaac Rosenberg: Poetry, Prose, Letters, Paintings, and Drawings 1979 Oxford University Press Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac The Collected Works of Issac Rosenberg 1979 Oxford University Press Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac Youth 1915 Narodiczky Details
WW1 British Poet Rosenberg, Isaac; Liddiard, Jean (ed) Poetry Out of My Head And Heart: Unpublished Letters & Poem Versions 2007 Enitharmon Press Details
WW1 British Poet Ross, Ronald Poems 1928 Elkin Mathews Details
WW1 British Poet Rowlands, Victor (pseud) Particles of War : Poems 1918 A. H. Stockwell Details
WW1 British Poet Rowley, Richard (pseud); Williams, Richard Valentine City Songs And Others 1918 Maunsel Details
WW1 British Poet Rundall, Joan Peatsmoke And Other Verse 1919 Deane and Sons Details
WW1 British Poet Rundall, Joan Songs of the Grey Country 1916 Year Book Press Details
WW1 British Poet Rutter, Owen The Song of Tiadatha 1919 BSF Library Details
WW1 British Poet Rutter, Owen The Song of Taidatha 1930 Duffield Details
WW1 British Poet Sabin, Arthur K. Christmas 1914 : a Poem 1914 The Temple-Sheen Press Details
WW1 British Poet Sackville, Lady Margaret Poems 1924 George Allen & Unwin Details
WW1 British Poet Salaman, Nina Songs of Many Days 1923 Elkin Mathews Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Salmon, Arthur L. Songs on Wind And Wave : a Collection of Verse 1916 William Blackwood & Sons Details
WW1 British Poet Samuel, Gerald George Poems 1917 Humphreys Details
WW1 British Poet Samways, G R Ballads of the Flying Corps 1917 McBride nast Details
WW1 British Poet Samways, G R Ballads of the Flying Corps 1917 McBride, Nast & Co Details
WW1 British Poet Sandford, Egbert T Brookdown and Other Poems 1915 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Poet Sandford, Egbert Thomas Brookdown & Other Poems 1915 Ford (S. G.) The Little Books of Georgian Verse. 1915 Details
WW1 British Poet Sargent, Daniel The Road To Welles-Perennes : a Story in Verse 1924 The Four seas company Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Seigfried Early Morning Long Ago 1941 Chiswick Press Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried A Suppressed Poem : Saul Kain says goodbye to all that gravely 1919 unknown Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Counter Attack 1918 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Counter-Attack and other poems 1918 Heinemann Educational Books - Secondary Division Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Letters to a Critic 1976 Kent Editions Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Memoirs of an Infantry Officer 1931 Bernard Tauchnitz Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Memoirs of an Infantry Officer 1930 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Sassoon's Long Journey 1983 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Sherston's Progress 1936 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Siegfried Sassoon's Long Journey 1983 Giniger Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried Siegfried's Journey 1916 - 1920 1945 Faber & Faber Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried The Memoirs of George Sherston 1937 Literary Guild of America Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried The Old Huntsman and other poems 1917 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried The Old Huntsman and Other Poems 1917 William Heinemann Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried The War Poems 1919 Heinnemann Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon 1919 William Heinemann Details
WW1 British Poet Sassoon, Siegfried The Weald of Youth 1942 Viking Details
WW1 British Poet SAUTER, R. H Songs in Captivity 1922 William Heinemann Details
WW1 British Poet Sauter, R.H. Songs in Captivity 1922 Heinemann Educational Books - Secondary Division Details
WW1 British Poet Savill , George The Sergeant's Dream. a Poem. 1924 Elkin Mathews Details
WW1 British Poet Savill, George Idylls of the Homeland And Other Poems 1920 Heffer Details
WW1 British Poet Scheffauer, Ethel Talbot New Altars. 1921 Willilam Kupe Details
WW1 British Poet Seaman, Owen From the Home Front : Verses 1918 Constable Details
WW1 British Poet Seaman, Owen Interludes of An Editor 1929 Constable and Co Ltd. Details
WW1 British Poet Seaman, Owen Interludes of An Editor 1929 Constable and Company Ltd Details
WW1 British Poet Seaman, Owen Made in England : Verses 1916 Constable Details
WW1 British Poet Seaman, Owen War-Time : Verses 1915 Constable Details

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