Echenberg Collection of Warpoetry arranged by Conflict
  Conflict Nationality Genre Author Title Publication Year Publisher  
WW2 France Poet Folliet, Joseph Les chants du soleil noir 1943 Les edition du Temps Present Details
WW2 France Poet Fondane, Benjamin; L'Abbe, Pierre (trans) Exodus : The Face of Poetic Resistance Under the Holocaust 2008 J Norman Editions Details
WW2 France Poet Fontaine, Jacquest La Grand Halte, Poems De Captivite 1946 Oberthur Details
WW2 France Poet Frenaud, Andre; Montague, John [Trans]; Robson, Evelyn [Trans] November: A Choice Of Translations From Andre Frenaud 1977 Golden Stone Details
WW2 France Poet Guerre, Pierre Rene Char 1983 Pierre Seghers Details
WW2 France Poet Lefort, Edmond La triste guerre : poemes du front 1941 Amiens Details
WW2 France Poet Leloir, Leon Buchenwald; Poesie sur that 2e guerre mondiale 1945 rendez-Vous Details
WW2 France Poet Louis-Picard, Pierre Ecrit Au Bord Des Routes 1939 - 1940 1941 unknown Details
WW2 France Poet Mallie, Dr. Henri Poemes Ecrits En Captivite : Evasions : Preface Du Dr Henri Mallie 1944 Coquemard Details
WW2 France Poet Martel, Jean Lliberte, Liberte cherie Poemes 1945 np Details
WW2 France Poet Maurice, Boisgontier Une ombre dans ma vie 1946 Samie Details
WW2 France Poet Melik, Rouben Ou la sang a coule 1955 novelle editions debresse Details
WW2 France Poet Noir, Jean (psued); Cassou, Jean 33 Sonnets composes au secret 1946 De Minuit Details
WW2 France Poet Noir, Jean (psued); Cassou, Jean 33 Sonnets composes au secret 1944 De Minuit Details
WW2 France Poet Perron-Louis Georges, Le chant du retour . paris . 1946 . broche . 154 pages . illustrations de andre baehr . tire 1000 ex . celui ci un des 840 ex sur ingres . no 498 . 1945 editions arc en ciel Details
WW2 France Poet Phillips, John; Favrod, Charles-Henri Poet and Pilot: Antoine De Saint-Exupery 1994 Scalo Publishers Details
WW2 France Poet Pierard, Desire Poemes De Guerre 1940 Priv. print Details
WW2 France Poet Pierard, Desire Poemes De Guerre privately printed Details
WW2 France Poet Plante, Louis C'EST POUR TOI 1945 F Paillart Details
WW2 France Poet Rojat, Paul Louis Charles; Pinay, Odette (Illus) Parfum Natal; Essais Nes Des Pensees De La Deniere Guerre. Details
WW2 France Poet Rojat, Paul Louis Charles; Pinay, Odette (Illus) Parfum Natal; Essais Nes Des Pensees De La Deniere Guerre. 1947 O Schneider Details
WW2 France Poet Seghers, Pierre Piranesi 1993 Forest Books Details
WW2 France Poet Seghers, Pierre (ed) Poetes Prisonnieres : Cahier Special De Poesie 1943 N/A Details
WW2 France Poet Singla, Charles Poemes des Temps Maudits : Guerre 1940-1944 1945 Ed Rambaud, Romans Details
WW2 France Poet Sorlot, Fernand Henry Jacques Nous de la Guerre 1940 Editions Fernand Sorlot Details
WW2 France Poet Tourre, Leon La Cite dans la Guerre, Poemes Clandestina 1939 - 1944 1948 Pierre Clairac Details
WW2 France Poet Verdet, Andre Les Jours Et Les Nuits Et Puis L’aurore, 1949 F.N.D.I.R.P Details
WW2 France Poet Vitta, Émile Poèmes de guerre, septembre-octobre-novembre 1939 1940 A. Messein Details
WW2 France Prose Saint Exupery, antoine Flight to Aras 1942 Reynal & Hitchcock Details
WW2 France Prose Saint Exupery, antoine Wind Sant and Stars 1939 Reynal & Hitchcock Details
WW2 German Unknown Wir reiten gen Tag ... 1937 NSDAP Details
WW2 German Anthology Boland, Eavan After Every War 2004 Princeton University Press Details
WW2 German Anthology Generalkommando des VII. Armeekorps (Herausg. Und so wird man ein Soldat 1940 Paul Hugendubel Details
WW2 German Anthology Generalkommando des X. Armeekorps (Herausg. Zur Erinnerung an den Kriegs-Weihnachten 1914 1914 unknown Details
WW2 German Anthology Graff, Sigmund Eherne Ernte Gedichte im Krieg 1939/41 1941 Lehmann Details
WW2 German Anthology Groll, Gunter [Ed] De Profundis Deutsche Lyrik in Dieser Zeit 1946 Desch Details
WW2 German Anthology Hoffman, Charles W. Opposition Poetry in Nazi Germany 1962 University of California Berkeley Details
WW2 German Anthology Loewy, Ernst Literatur unterm Hakenkreuz: D. Dritte Reich u. seine Dichtung 1967 Europäische Verlagsanstalt Details
WW2 German Anthology na Ewiges Deutschland. 1939 Westermann Details
WW2 German Anthology na Kriegs-Weihnachten 1941 1941 np Details
WW2 German Anthology Neuhäuser, Erika (Hrsg) Dichter als Soldaten 1939 Cotta Details
WW2 German Anthology Oktava der Oberschule fur Junegen in Leoben (Her) Matura Zeitung 1941 Oberschule fur Junegen in Leoben ( Details
WW2 German Anthology Richter, Hans Werner Deine Sohne, Europa; Gedichte deutscher Kriegsgefangener 1947 Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag Details
WW2 German Anthology Schneider, Gerd Kriegsbriefe an eine Frau 1942 Strecker und Schroder Details
WW2 German Anthology Schwarz, Wolfgang(Hrsg.): Die Fruhbekranzten Die Frühbekränzten 1943 Mullersche Verlagshandlung Details
WW2 German Anthology Stumme, Wolgang (Hrsg) Liederblatt der Hitler Jungend Soldaten und Kriegslieder 1940 Kallmeyer Details
WW2 German Anthology Volkmann, Ernst Deutsche Dichtung im Weltskreig 1914- 1918 1934 Philip Reclam Details
WW2 German Anthology Volkmann, Ernst Deutsche Dichtung im Weltskreig 1914- 1918 1934 Philip Reclam Details
WW2 German Anthology Volkmann, Ernst Deutsche Dichtung im Weltskreig 1914- 1918 1934 Philip Reclam Details
WW2 German Anthology Von der Vring, Georg (ed) Die Junge Front, Gedichte Junger Soldaten 1943 Piper Details
WW2 German Anthology Von der Vring, Georg (ed) Die Junge Front, Gedichte Junger Soldaten 1943 Piper Details
WW2 German Anthology Von der Vring, Georg (ed) Die Junge Front, Gedichte Junger Soldaten 1943 R. Piper Details
WW2 German Anthology von Schirach, Baldur (ed) Das Lied der Getreuen 1939 Reclam Verlag, Details
WW2 German Anthology von Zastrow, Hellmuth; Erhardt, Paul Georg; Morgenstern, Christian Palmstrom als Flieger : unter Benutzung von Christian Morgensterns Galgenliedern und Palmstro¨mgedichten 1942 Hauserpresse Details
WW2 German Anthology Ziesel, Kurt (Hrsg. Krieg und Dichtung. 1940 Adolph Eufer Details
WW2 German Biography Cuomo, Glenn R. Career At The Cost Of Compromise: Gunter Eich's Life And Work In The Years 1933-1945 1989 Editions Rodopi Details
WW2 German Biography Hackenberger, Claus A Long Walk 2001 Hara Publishing Group Details
WW2 German letters Jandl, Ernst Briefe aus dem Krieg 1943-1946 2005 Luchterhand Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Baird, Jay W. Hitler's War Poets: Literature and Politics in the Third Reich 2007 Cambridge University Press Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Baird, Jay W. To Die for Germany: Heroes in the Nazi Pantheon 1990 Indiana University Press Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Bushell, Anthony Poetry in a Provisional State: The Austrian Lyric, 1945-1955 2007 University of Wales Press Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Bushnell, Anthony Emergence of West German Poetry from the Second World War into the Early Post-War Period 1989 Peter Lang Publishing Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Denkler, Horst; Prumm, Karl Die Deutsche Literatur Im Dritten Reich: Themen-Traditionen-Wirkungen 1976 Phillippe Reclam Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Forster, Leonard German Poetry 1944-1948 1950 Bowes & Bowes Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Phillips, James Heidegger's Volk: Between National Socialism and Poetry 2005 Stanford University Press Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Pike, David German Writers in Soviet Exile, 1933-1945 1982 University of North Carolina Press Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Ritchie, J. M. German Literature Under National Socialism 1983 Barnes & Noble Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Schonauer, Franz Deutsche Literatur Im Dritten Reich 1961 Walter Verlag, Breisgau Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Taylor, Ronald Literature and Society in Germany, 1918-1945 1980 Harvester Press Details
WW2 German Lit Crit Wulf, Joseph Literatur und Dichtung im Dritten Reich. Eine Dokumentation 1963 Sigbert Mohn Details
WW2 German Poet Abikhaled, Kaye Voigt; Lombardi, Thomas F. Childhood in the Third Reich 2001 Mellen Poetry Press Details
WW2 German Poet Anacker, Heinrich Heimat und front; 1940 Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Eher Details
WW2 German Poet Anacker, Heinrich Ein Volk--ein Reich--ein Fuhrer! 1938 Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Eher Details
WW2 German Poet Bauer, Walter Tagebuchblatter aus Frankreich 1941 Karl Rauch Details
WW2 German Poet Bauer, Walter; Beissel, Henry (trans) The Price of Morning 1968 Vancouver: Prism International Press Details
WW2 German Poet Baumann, Hans Der wandler krieg: Briefgedichte 1941 1942 Diederichs Details
WW2 German Poet Berner, Heinz. Lied der Gefangenen. 1950 Kirche der Heimat Details
WW2 German Poet Bienek, Horst; Mead, Ruth (trans); Mead, Matthew (trans) Horst Bienek 1969 Unicorn Details
WW2 German Poet Bobrowski, Johannes; Bienek, Horst; Mead, Ruth; Mead, Matthew Selected Poems (Mod. Eur. Poets S) 1971 Penguin Details
WW2 German Poet Bobrowski, Johannes; Ives, Rich (trans) Yesterday I Was Leaving. 1986 Owl Creek Press Details
WW2 German Poet Bobrowski, Johannes; Mead, Michael; Mead, Ruth Shadow Lands 1966 Donald Carroll Details
WW2 German Poet Bodo Schutt Gestirn des Krieges, Gedichte 1941 Eugen Diederichs Verlag Details
WW2 German Poet Budek, Herbert Herz im Schicksal 1941 Wilhelm Langewiesche Brandt Details
WW2 German Poet Duba, Ursula; Dubosarsky, Ursula Tales from a Child of the Enemy 1997 Penguin (Non-Classics) Details
WW2 German Poet Eggers, Kurt Deutsche Gedichte 1943 Volkschaft Details
WW2 German Poet Ehrke, Hans Gewappnetes Herz 1943 Georg Westermann Details
WW2 German Poet Eich, Gunter; Savory, Teo (trans) Gunter Eich 1975 Unicorn Pr Details
WW2 German Poet Eich, Gunter; Young, David (trans); Friebert, Stuart (trans); Walker, David (trans) Valuable Nail Selected Poems 1981 Oberlin College Press Details
WW2 German Poet Enzensberger, Hans Magnus Gedichte 1950-1985 1986 Suhrkamp Verlag Details
WW2 German Poet Enzensberger, Hans Magnus; Hamburger, Michael (trans) Selected poems 1994 Bloodaxe Books Details
WW2 German Poet Enzensberger, Hans Magnus; Neugroschel, Joachim (trans) Mausoleum: Thirty-Seven Ballads from the History of Progress 1976 Urizen Books Details
WW2 German Poet Fietje Durch Krieg und Krisen 1932 Hilpert Details
WW2 German Poet Flex, Walter Kriegspatenbriefe von Walter Flex Nr. 1 ND Oskar Euliz Details
WW2 German Poet Furnberg, Louis; Henderson, Hamish (trans) Our Time Vol 4 No 3 October 1944 Three Poems by Fuernberg 1944 Our time Details
WW2 German Poet Grass, Gunter Die Vorzüge der Windhühner. 1956 Luchterhand Details
WW2 German Poet Grass, Gunter Gesammelte Gedichte 1971 Hermann Luchterhand Verlag GmbH Details
WW2 German Poet Grass, Gunter New Poems 1967 Harcourt, Brace & World Details
WW2 German Poet Grass, Gunter Selected Poems 1966 Harcourt Details
WW2 German Poet Grass, Gunter; Hamburger, Michael Novemberland: Selected Poems 1956-1993 1996 Harcourt Details
WW2 German Poet Grass, Gunter; Michael Henry Heim Peeling the Onion 2007 Harcourt Details
WW2 German Poet Hagelstange, Rudolf; Salinger, Herman (translator) Ballad of the Buried Life 1969 Ams Pr Inc Details
WW2 German Poet Haushofer, Albrecht; Herter, Norton M. D. (trans) Moabit sonnets 1978 Norton Details
WW2 German Poet Hisgen, Martin Hauptman Um Wegrand Des Krieges Gedichte 1941 1943 Erich Norberg Details
WW2 German Poet Jandl, Ernst; Waldrop, Rosmarie Reft and Light: Poems by Ernst Jandl With Multiple Versions by American Poets (Dichten =, No. 4) 2000 Burning Deck Details
WW2 German Poet Johannsen, Hans Jochen Knoll und Emil Latte 1940 E S Mittler Details
WW2 German Poet Keith-Smith, B; Bobrowski, Johannes Johannes Bobrowski; 1970 Wolff Details
WW2 German Poet Kolleritsch, Alfred; Balbraith, Iain (trans) Selected Poems 2006 Shearsman Books Details
WW2 German Poet Krämer, Philipp Flieger; Höhl, J. Heinrich Von Fleiger; Richter, Albert Funker Kirkenes 1941 Luftgaukommando Norwegen Details
WW2 German Poet Lehman, Armin D. Tomorrow's World, A book of Peace 1983 Doves Details
WW2 German Poet Nielsen, Fredric W Appelle an die welt Details
WW2 German Poet Petzet, Wolfgang Die Sonette Des Satans 1947 Bachmair Details
WW2 German Poet Piontek, Heinz Selected Poems 1994 Forest Books Details
WW2 German Poet Piontek, Heinz; Exner Richard (trans) Alive or Dean 1975 Unicorn Pr Details
WW2 German Poet Ritzerfeld, Norbert Pow Me 1993 Stork Druckerei Details
WW2 German Poet Rothfuss, Max Dem Guten Kameraden Gedichte von Max Rothfuss 1941 Hunenberg Details
WW2 German Poet Schaeffer, Otto Dr. Der Heilige Krieg 1914 J.J. Reiff Details
WW2 German Poet Schönburg, Agatha Requiem 1967 privately printed Details
WW2 German Poet Schumann, Gerhard Die Lieder vom Krieg 1941 Langen Mullen Details
WW2 German Poet Schumann, Gerhard Die Lieder Vom Krieg Feldpostausgabe 1941 Langen Mullen Details
WW2 German Poet Ted, Hirschfield German Requiem 1993 Time Being Books Details
WW2 German Poet Teuffenbach, Ingeborg Du Kind : Gedichte 1941 Voggenreiter Details
WW2 German Poet Teuffenbach, Ingeborg Karntner Heimat 1938 Lser Details
WW2 German Poet Teuffenbach, Ingeborg Verborgenes Bildnis : Gedichte 1943 Engelhornverlag A. Spemann Details
WW2 German Poet Teuffenbach, Ingeborg Verpflichtung, Gedichte zum Krieg 1940 Grenze und Ausland Details
WW2 German Poet Velmede, August Friedrich Kriegsdichter Erzahlen 1937 Langen - Muller Details
WW2 German Poet Von der Vring, Georg Dumpfe trommel, schlag an! Soldatenlieder 1939 H. Goverts Details
WW2 German Poet Von der Vring, Georg Oktoberrose; gesammelte Gedichte 1942 R. Piper & Co Details
WW2 German Poet von Schirach, Baldur Die Fahne der Verfolgten 1935 Wilhelme Andermann Details
WW2 German Poet Weinand, maria Gedichte einer Deutschen 1916 Secretariat Sozialer Studentenarbeit Details
WW2 German Poet Werfel, Franz Poems 1945 Princeton University Press Details
WW2 German Poet Zilkens, Rudolph Deuthche Lieder Von Freiheit Liebe Und Tod 1934 Bachem Details
WW2 German; Hungarian Anthology Nader, Andrés Traumatic Verses: On Poetry in German from the Concentration Camps, 1933-1945 (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) \ 2007 Camden House Details
WW2 Greek Anthology Spanias, Nikos Resistance, Exile and Love 1977 Pella Pub Co Details
WW2 Greek Lit Crit Capri-Karka, C. War in the Poetry of George Seferis: A Poem-By-Poem Analysis 1986 Pella Pub Co Details
WW2 Greek Poet Capetanakis, Demetrios Demetrics Capetanakis, a Greek poet in England 1947 John Lehmann Details
WW2 Greek Poet Elytis, Odysseus; Carson, Jeffrey (trans); Sarris, Nikos (trans) The Collected Poems of Odysseus Elytis 2004 Johns Hopkins University Press Details
WW2 Hungarian Biography Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna; Radnoti, Miklos In the Footsteps of Orpheus: The Life and Times of Miklos Radnoti (Jewish Literature and Culture) 2001 Indiana University Press Details
WW2 Hungarian Poet Klein, Magdalena; Geroe, Susan Simpson Pearls and Lace: Poems 1997 Fithian Press Details
WW2 Hungarian Poet Radnoti, Miklos Clouded Sky 2003 Sheep Meadow Details
WW2 Hungarian Poet Radnoti, Miklos Foamy sky 2002 Corvina Details
WW2 Hungarian Poet Radnoti, Miklos Miklos Radnoti 33 Poems: 1992 Maecenas Konyvkiado Details
WW2 India Poet Das, Jibanananda; Ray, Kalyan (trans) The Grey Manuscript: Selected Poems of Jibanananda Das 1997 Asia Books Details
WW2 India Poet Faiz, Faiz Ahmad,; Kumar, Shiv K (trans) The Best of Faiz 2001 UBS Publishers's Distributors Details
WW2 Indonesian Poet Anwar, Chairil; Raffel, Burton Complete Poetry and Prose of Chairil Anwar 1970 State University of NY Press Details
WW2 Indonesian Poet Chairil, Anwar; Raffell, Burton (trans) The Complete Poetry And Prose of Chairil Anwar. 1970 State University of New York Press Details
WW2 Irish Anthology na Songs of Ireland's Heros., The Soldier's Song Book: ND Irish Book Bureau Details
WW2 Irish Poet Rodgers, W. R. Awake! And Other Poems 1941 Secker & Warburg Details
WW2 Italy Lit Crit Snodgrass, Ann Knowing Noise: The English Poems of Amelia Rosselli 2001 Peter Lang Publishing Details
WW2 Italy Poet De Palchi, Alfredo; Raiziss, Sona (trans) The Scorpion's Dark Dance/LA Buia Danza Di Scorpione 1994 Xenos Books Details
WW2 Italy Poet Quasimodo, Salvatore The selected writings of Salvatore Quasimodo 1960 Farrar Straus & Giroux Details
WW2 Italy Poet Rosselli, Amelia War Variations (Green Integer) 2003 Green Integer Details
WW2 Italy Poet Sereni, Vittorio; Bonaffini, Luigi (trans) Variable Star 1999 Guernica Editions Inc. Details
WW2 Italy Poet Sereni, Vittorio; Robinson, Peter(ed); Perryman, Marcus (ed) The Selected Poetry and Prose of Vittorio Sereni: A Bilingual Edition 2006 University Of Chicago Press Details
WW2 Italy Poet Ungaretti, Giuseppe; Frisardi, Andrew Selected Poems: A Bilingual Edition 2002 Farrar Straus & Giroux Details
WW2 Japan Anthology Guest, Harry; Guest, Lynn; Shozo, Kajima Post-war Japanese Poetry 1972 Penguin Details
WW2 Japan Anthology Nakao, Takeo The Japanese mind 1992 Booklink International Details
WW2 Japan Anthology Naoshi Koriyama; Lueders, Edward Like Underground Water: The Poetry of Mid-Twentieth Century Japan 1995 Copper Canyon Press Details
WW2 Japan Anthology Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko Kamikaze Diaries: Reflections of Japanese Student Soldiers 2006 University Of Chicago Press Details
WW2 Japan Anthology Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms: The Militarization of Aesthetics in Japanese History 2002 University Of Chicago Press Details
WW2 Japan Anthology Quinn, Joseph (ed); Yamanouchi, Midori (ed) In the Far Away Mountains and Rivers 2005 University of Scranton Press Details
WW2 Japan Anthology Yamanouchi, Midori; Quinn, Joseph L. Listen to the Voices from the Sea 2000 University of Scranton Press Details
WW2 Japan Anthology; Lit Crit Rabson, Steve Righteous Cause or Tragic Folly: Changing Views of War in Modern Japanese Poetry 1998 University of Michigan Press Details
WW2 Japan Misc Ienaga, Saburo The Pacific War, 1931-1945 1978 Pantheon Books Details
WW2 Japan Poet Amatatsu, Tadao; Amatatsu, Fumiko Mitani (trans) The song of a prisoner: Waka (31 syllable Japanese poems) 1964 np Details
WW2 Japan Poet Hideo, Oguma Long, Long Autumn Nights: Selected Poems of Oguma Hideo, 1990 University of Michigan Press Details
WW2 Japan Poet Kurihara, Sadako The songs of Hiroshima: When Hiroshima is spoken of 1989 Anthology Pub Details
WW2 Japan Poet na Japanese IMPERIAL Army Navy Patriotic poem ND np Details
WW2 Japan Poet Sadako, Kurihara Black Eggs: P0Ems (Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies) 1994 University of Michigan Press Details
WW2 Japan Poet Sadako, Kurihara When We Say 'Hiroshima': Selected Poems (Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies) 1998 University of Michigan Press Details
WW2 Japan Poet Unknown Scroll, title unk ND np Details
WW2 Japan Poet Yaguchi, Yorifumi The Poetry of Yorifumi Yaguchi: A Japanese Voice in English 2006 Good Books Details
WW2 Japan Prose Mitsuru, Yoshida Requiem for Battleship Yamato 1985 Univ of Washington Pr Details
WW2 Latvia Anthology Rudzitis, Janis ed Kara Dainas (Military Songs) 1943 Zelta Abele Details
WW2 Lithuanian Anthology Zdanys, Jonas Selected Post-War Lithuanian Poetry 1978 Manyland Books Details
WW2 Misc Poet na The trumpets shall sound ND Shree laxmi Narayan Press Details
WW2 Norway Anthology Winses, A. H. The Spirit of Norway Norwegian War Poems 1995 Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheim] Details
WW2 Norway Poet Grieg, Nordahl All That Is Mine Demand 1944 Hodder & Stoughton Details
WW2 Norway Poet Grieg, Nordahl Friheten 1943 Gyldendal Norsk Details
WW2 Norway Poet Grieg, Nordahl; Gathorne-Hardy, G.M. War Poems : All that is Mine Demand 1944 Hodder & Stoughton Details
WW2 Norway Poet Overland, Arnulf VI Overlever Alt : Dikt Fra Krigsarene 1945 Aschehoug Details
WW2 Philippines Poet Daguio, Amador T Bataan Harvest : War Poems 1973 A.S. Florentino Details
WW2 Philippines Poet Daguio, Amador T The Flaming Lyre 1959 Craftsman House Details
WW2 Polish Anthology Baranczak, Stanislaw (ed); Cavanagh, Clare (ed) Polish Poetry of the Last Two Decades of Communist Rule : Spoiling Cannibals Fun 1991 Northwestern University Press Details
WW2 Polish Anthology Graham, Anthony (trans); Spender, Stephen (intro) Witness Out of Silence 1980 Poets' & Painters' Press Details
WW2 Polish Anthology Milosz, Czeslaw Postwar Polish Poetry 1992 University of California Press Details
WW2 Polish Bibliography Stankiewicz, Edward My War: Memoir of a Young Jewish Poet 2003 Syracuse University Press Details
WW2 Polish Biography Birenbaum, Halina Hope is the Last to Die 1994 State Museum in Oswiecim Details
WW2 Polish Biography Stankiewicz, Edward My War: Memoir of a Young Jewish Poet 2003 Syracuse University Press Details
WW2 Polish Biography Trzcinska-Croydon, Lilka The Labyrinth of Dangerous Hours: A Memoir of the Second World War 2004 University of Toronto Press Details
WW2 Polish Lit Crit Folejewski, Zbigniew Polish Poetry in World War 11 in Studies in Modern Slavic Poetry 1955 Uppsala University Details
WW2 Polish Lit Crit; Misc Dusza, Edward Poets of Warsaw Aflame 1978 privately printed Details
WW2 Polish Poet Baczynski, Krzysztof Kamil White Magic and Other Poems (Green Integer) 2004 Green Integer Details
WW2 Polish Poet Boguslawski, Antoni; Gielgud, L E (trans) Mist before dawn: Poems 1942 George Allen & Unwin Details
WW2 Polish Poet Herbert, Zbigniew Elegy For The Departure and other poems 1999 Ecco Details
WW2 Polish Poet Herbert, Zbigniew; Milosz, Czeslaw (trans) Selected Poems Zbigniew Herbert 1968 Penguin Details
WW2 Polish Poet Herbert, Zbigniew; Valles, Alissa; Milosz, Czeslaw; Dale Scott, Peter The Collected Poems: 1956-1998 2007 Ecco Details
WW2 Polish Poet Laskowski, Jerzy Tobruk 1943 Through Lands & Seas Details
WW2 Polish Poet Marczak, Mieczyslaw. To the Light. 1942 Fortune Press Details
WW2 Polish Poet Milosz, Czeslaw; Dine, Jim THE WORLD/SWIAT 1989 arion Details
WW2 Polish Poet Milosz, Czeslaw; Fiut, Aleksander; Czarnecka, Ewa Conversations With Czeslaw Milosz 1987 Houghton Mifflin Details
WW2 Polish Poet Poâswiatowska, Halina Story for a Friend 2006 Authorhouse Details
WW2 Polish Poet Rosenberg, Jacob B Behind the Moon 2000 Five Islands Press Details
WW2 Polish Poet Rosenberg, Jacob G. East of Time 2007 Fire Ant Books Details
WW2 Polish Poet Rozewicz, Tadeusz; Johnston, Bill (trans) New Poems 2007 Archipelago Books Details
WW2 Polish Poet Taube, Herman Between the shadows : new and selected works 1986 Dryad Press Details
WW2 Polish Prose Milosz, Czeslaw To Begin Where I Am: Selected Essays 2002 Farrar Straus & Giroux Details
WW2 Polish Prose Szymborska, Wislawa; Baran´czak, Stanislaw (trans); Cavanagh, Clare (trans) Poems New and Collected: 1957-1997 1998 Harcourt Details
WW2 Romanian Biography Chalfen, Israel; Celan, Paul Paul Celan: A Biography of His Youth 1991 Persea Books Details
WW2 Romanian Biography Felstiner, John; Celan, Paul Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew 1997 Yale University Press Details
WW2 Romanian Lit Crit Hollander, Benjamin, (ed); Celan, Paul Translating Tradition: Paul Celan in France (ACTS: A Journal of New Writing, 1988) 1988 ActS: 8/9 Details
WW2 Romanian Poet Celan, Paul Collected Prose 1990 Sheep Meadow Details
WW2 Romanian Poet Celan, Paul; Felstiner, John (trans) Selected Poems and Prose of Paul Celan 2000 W.W. Norton Details
WW2 Romanian Poet Celan, Paul; Washburn, Katharine (trans); Guillemin, Margret (trans) Last Poems 1990 North Point Pr Details
WW2 Russian Anthology Polevoj, Boris; Simonov, Konstantin; Trasman, Mikhail; Nezval, Vitezslav Liberation 1974 Progress Publishers Details
WW2 Russian Anthology Weissbort, Daniel (ed) Post-War Russian Poetry (The Penguin Poets) 1975 Penguin Classics Details
WW2 Russian Poet Daniel, Yuli Prison Poems 1972 J. P. O'Hara Details
WW2 Russian Poet Tvardovskii, Alexander Alexander Tvardovsky 1998 Feniks Details
WW2 Russian; Soviet Anthology Carlisle, Olga Andreyev (ed); Styron, Rose (ed) Modern Russian Poetry, 1972 Viking Details
WW2 Russian; Soviet Poet Gumilev, Nicholas Nikolai Gumilev On Russian Poetry 1977 Ardis Details
WW2 Russian; Soviet Poet Gumilev, Nicholas Selected Works of Nikolai S. Gumilev 1972 State University of New York Details
WW2 Senegal Biography Hymans, Jacques Louis. Leopold Sedar Senghor: An intellectual biography 1971 Edinburgh University Press Details
WW2 Senegal Poet Senghor, Leopold Sedar The Collected Poetry 1991 University of Virginia Pr Details
WW2 Serb Poet Schieber, Ava Kadishon Soundless Roar: Stories, Poems, and Drawings 2002 Northwestern University Press Details
WW2 Serb Poet Simic, Charles; Lehman, David Wonderful Words, Silent Truth: Essays on Poetry and a Memoir (Poets on Poetry) 1990 University of Michigan Press Details
WW2 Slovenia Poet Kocbek, Edvard Nothing is Lost 2004 Princeton University Press Details
WW2 South African Poet Arnot, Arthur B. Lyrics from Libya; and lifetime lyrics 1977 np Details
WW2 South African Poet Barnby, H.G. Poems; 1938 to 1945; from Balgowan to Bologna 1945 John Singleton and Williams Details
WW2 South African Poet Clothier, Norman Libyan winter, poems by a corporal in the First Division 1943 Central News Agency Details
WW2 South African Poet Currey, R.N. Collected Poems 2001 James Currey Details
WW2 South African Poet Currey, R.N. This other Planet 1945 Routledge Details
WW2 South African Poet Frankel, Freddy In a Stone's Hollow 2007 Small Press Distribution Details
WW2 South African Poet Konig, Juliet Fugitive child 1945 South African Jewish War Appeal Details
WW2 South African Poet Krige, Uys Die Ende Van Die Pad. En ander Oorloosverse 1947 J L Van Schaik Details
WW2 South African Poet Macnab, Roy Testament of a South African 1947 Fortune Press Details
WW2 South African Poet Miller, G. M. South African Harvest and Other Poems 1939 Blackwell Details
WW2 South African Poet Richards, Alex O S Convoy 1943 George & Knysna Herald Details
WW2 South African Poet Smalley, Robert Salute to Africa; by Robert Smalley, R.A.F. 1945 np Details
WW2 South African Poet Tolmer, Guy Poems 1944 Knox Details
WW2 South African Poet Vine Hall, Arthur Poems of a South African : The Collected Verse of Arthur Vine Hall 1941 J. C. Juta & Co. Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology Gorky, M (ed) Soviet poets who died in Great Domestic war 1965 Societ Writers Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology Hodgson, Katherine Written with the Bayonet 1996 Liverpool University Press Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology Lazarev, L. Let The Living Remember 1976 Progress Publishers Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology na Anthology of Russian/Soviet Military Poetry 1957 Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology na For Life's sake on the Earth. Russian and Soviet poetry about the Great Patriotic War 1985 Prosveschenie Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology na Rekrutski Na Soldatyski Peicni 1974 np Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology Surkov Alezi (ed) Immortality 1978 Progress Publishers Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology Various I have been killed in battles..." Verses in Russian 1990 Prem Book Publishing Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology Williams, Alan Moray (ed); Pinto, Vivian De Sola (ed) The Road To the West 1945 Frederick Muller Details
WW2 Soviet Anthology Williams, Alan Moray; Pinto, Vivian De Sola The Road to the West 1945 Frederick Muller Details
WW2 Soviet Biography Brodsky, Joseph; Schwartz, Marian; Volkov, Solomom Conversations With Joseph Brodsky: A Poets Journey Through The Twentieth Century 1998 Free Press Details
WW2 Soviet Biography Markish, David; Glenny, Michael (trans) A new world for Simon Ashkenazy 1976 Dutton Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Goldberg, Anatol Ilya Ehrenburg 1984 Viking Adult Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Jalil, Mussa Selected Poems 1982 Progress Publishing Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Kharitonov, Vladimir Zapriska Patrone 1976 Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Samoilov, David Pour mémoire 1997 Fayard (Editions) Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Simonov, Konstantin Friends and Foes: A Book of Poems 1952 Foreign Languages Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Slutsky, Boris; Smith, Gerald (trans) Things That Happened (Glas, No 19) 1999 Ivan R. Dee, Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Prussian Nights A Poem 1977 Farrar Straus & Giroux Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Tarkovsky, Arseny; Rounding, Virginia (trans) Life, Life: Selected Poems 2007 Crescent Moon Publishing Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Tyorkikn, Vassili Alexander Tvardovsky, A book about a Soldier 1975 Progress Publishers Details
WW2 Soviet Poet Vinokurov, Evgeny; Rudolf, Anthony (trans); Weissbort, Daniel (ed) War Is Over: Selected Poems 1979 Carcanet Details
WW2 Welsh Anthology Llwyd, Alan; Edwards, Elwyn Gwaedd y lleiddiad: Blodeugerdd Barddas o gerddi'r Ail Ryfel Byd, 1939-1945 1995 Cyhoeddiadau Barddas Details
WW2 Welsh Anthology Williams, John (ed); Milner, Richard (ed) Dragons And Daffodils : An Anthology of Verse 1960 C.Davies Details
WW2 Welsh Poet Jones, Thomas Henry "Harri" The Enemy in the Heart: Poems 1946-1956 1957 Hart-Davis Details
WW2 Welsh Poet Jones, Thomas Henry "Harri"; Croft, Julian (ed); Dale-Jones, Don (ed) The Collected Poems 1977 Gomer Press Details
WW2 Welsh Poet Lewis, Eiluned Morning Songs And Other Poems 1944 Macmillan Details
WW2 Welsh Poet Rhys, Keidrych Modern Welsh Poetry 1944 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 Welsh Poet Roberts, Lynette Poems 1944 Faber Details
WW2 Welsh Poet thomas, dylan Deaths And Entrances 1957 J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. Details
WW2 Welsh Poet Tripp, John Collected Poems, 1958-78 1978 C.Davies (Publishers) Ltd Details
WW2 Yiddish Anthology Mlotek, Eleanor We are here Songs of the holocaust 1983 workmans circle Details
WW2 Yiddish Anthology Porter, Jack Nusan (ed) L'Matara: For the puroses: 1998 Spencer Press Details
WW2 Yiddish Anthology; Art Book Kissin, Y (ed) Poetry of This War Lider fun Milhome: Antologye 1943 Bibliotek fun Poezye un Eseyen Details
WW2 Yiddish Poet Katzenelson, Itzhak Piesn o zamordowanym zydowskim narodzie 1986 Czytelnik Details
WW2 Yiddish Poet Katzenelson, Itzhak The song of the murdered Jewish people 1980 Hakibbutz Hameuchad pub. house Details
WW2 Yiddish Poet Rayzman A Felder Grinen 1950 Wyd Idisz Details
WW2 Yiddish Poet Sutzkever, Abraham; Whitman, Ruth (trans) The Fiddle Rose: Poems 1970-1972/Bilingual Edition (Jewish Holocaust Studies) 1990 Wayne State University Press Details
WW2 Yiddish Poet Sutzkever, Abraham; Zumoff, Barnett (trans) Laughter Beneath the Forest: Poems from Old and Recent Manuscripts 1996 Ktav Publishing House Details
WW2 Yiddish Songs Kaczerginsky, Shmerke; Pasternak, Velvel Songs Never Silenced 2003 Tara Publications Details
WW2 Yugoslavia Anthology Stanoyevich, B Stevenson(ed); Stevenson, Beatrice Louise; SIR JOHN BOWRING An Anthology of Jugoslave Poetry, Serbian Lyrics 1920 Badger Details
x orig Berton, Rene Poem nae Details
x British Cohen, Joseph Isaac Rosenberg: From Romantic To Classic in Tulane Studies in English, Vol. X, 1960, Details
x British Longley, Michael Cenotaph of Snow: Sixty Poems About War Details
x British Spear, Hilda D.; Pandrich, Bruce; Spear, Hilda D THIS IS MY COUNTRY A Personal Blend of the Purest Scotch. 1976 Souvenir Press Details
x France Chambure, Auguste de Details

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