Echenberg Collection of Warpoetry arranged by Conflict
  Conflict Nationality Genre Author Title Publication Year Publisher  
WW2 British Poet Richardson, Justin The Phoney Phleet 1946 F Muller Details
WW2 British Poet Richmond, Oliffe Rawalpindi And Other Verses in War-Time 1941 Heffer Details
WW2 British Poet Richmond, Oliffe Song of Freedom 1942 Thomas Nelson Details
WW2 British Poet Rickword, Edgell Collected Poems 1947 Bodley Head Details
WW2 British Poet Ridler, Anne A Dream Observed And Other Poems : Pl Pamphlet No. 2 1941 Poetry London Details
WW2 British Poet Ridler, Anne The Nine Bright Shiners 1943 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Rivere, Michael Poems 1940 sp Details
WW2 British Poet Riviere, Michael Poems 1940 np Details
WW2 British Poet Riviere, Michael Selected Poems 1984 Mandeville Press Details
WW2 British Poet Roberts, Cecil A Man Arose 1941 Hodder and Stoughton Details
WW2 British Poet Roberts, Cecil A Man Arose 1941 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd Details
WW2 British Poet Roberts, Effie M. A Wartime Poetry Journal 2005 Fractal Publishing Details
WW2 British Poet Roberts, Lynette; McGuinness, Patrick (ed) Diaries, Letters And Recollections 2008 Carcanet Press Ltd. Details
WW2 British Poet Roberts, Lynette; McGuinness, Patrick (ed) Lynette Roberts: Collected Poems: 2006 Carcanet Details
WW2 British Poet Roberts, Noel Vernon F.Sergt N.V. Roberts 1945 privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Roberts, Peter Take-Off At Dusk And Other Poems 1944 Frederick Muller Details
WW2 British Poet Robinson, Philip Collected Poems 1965 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Robson, Attwood The Gallant Sailor : Sea Verses 1947 Alex Moring Details
WW2 British Poet Rodgers, W. R. Europa And the Bull And Other Poems 1952 Secker & Warburg Details
WW2 British Poet Rodgers, W.R. Awake! And Other Wartime Poems 1942 Harcourt Brace,, New York Details
WW2 British Poet Rodgers, W.R. Collected Poems 1971 Oxford University Press Details
WW2 British Poet Rook, Alan Soldiers, This Solitude 1942 Routledge Details
WW2 British Poet Rook, Alan These are my Comrades 1943 Routledge Details
WW2 British Poet Rook, Alan We Who Are Fortunate 1945 Routledge Details
WW2 British Poet Rose, William Spring Deferred 1945 E. M. E. Rose Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Death Valley and Other Poems in America 1980 London Magazine Editions Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Open Sea 1975 London Magazine Editions Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Poems 2005 Harvill Press Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Poetry: 1945-1950 1951 Longman Green Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Reflections on Blue Water : Journeys in the Gulf of Naples & in the Aeolian Islands 2000 Harvill Press Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Something of the Sea 1954 Derek Verschoyle Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Tropical Ice 1972 Covent Garden Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Alan Winter sea : war, journeys, writers 1997 Harvill Press Details
WW2 British Poet Ross, Kathleen Stars of Burma and Poems on the Theme of War 2005 Natula Publications Details
WW2 British Poet Rowse, A. L. Poems Chiefly Cornish 1945 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Rowse, A. L. Poems Chiefly Cornish 1945 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Rowse, A. L. Poems of Deliverance 1946 Faber and Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Russell, J. M. The Grinning Face And Other Poems 1948 Routledge Details
WW2 British Poet Russell, J. M. The Grinning Face 1947 Routledge Details
WW2 British Poet Russell, Peter Omens And Elegies, Poems in Pamphlet Vll 1951 Hand & Flower Press Details
WW2 British Poet Russell-Parsons, Clive Poems of War and Peace ND privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Sagitarius, Katzin, Olga London Watches 1941 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Sagittarius Targets 1943 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Sagittarius (pseud); Miller, Olga London Watches 1941 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Sagittarius (pseud); Miller, Olga Quiver's Choice 1945 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Sagittarius (pseud); Miller, Olga Sagittarius Rhyming 1942 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Sagittarius (pseud); Miller, Olga Targets 1943 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Sale, Arthur Under the War and Other Poems 1975 Hutchinson Details
WW2 British Poet Scaife, C.H.O. In Middle Age: Thirty Poems 1953 Blackwell Details
WW2 British Poet Scaife, C.H.O. Tones & Overtones: Selected Poems 1926-1976 1976 Author Details
WW2 British Poet Scannell, Vernon Epithets of War 1969 Eyre & Spottiswood Details
WW2 British Poet Scannell, Vernon Funeral Games and Other Poems 1987 Robson Details
WW2 British Poet Scannell, Vernon Meeting in Manchester: for Edmund Blunden 1974 Sceptre Details
WW2 British Poet Scannell, Vernon Soldiering On 1989 Robson Books Details
WW2 British Poet Scannell, Vernon Soldiering on: Poems of Military Life 1989 Robson Books Details
WW2 British Poet Scannell, Vernon Walking Wounded: Poems 1962-65 1965 Eyre & Spottiswood Details
WW2 British Poet Scarfe, Francis Harold Forty Poems and Ballads 1941 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Scarfe, Francis Harold Inscapes 1940 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Scott, Alexander The Latest in Elegies 1949 Caledonia Press Details
WW2 British Poet Scott, Alexander Selected Poems, 1943-1974 1975 Akros Publications Details
WW2 British Poet Scott, Alexander; Robb, David S. The Collected Poems of Alexander Scott 1994 Mercat Details
WW2 British Poet Scott, Tom The Dirty Business 1986 Luath Press Details
WW2 British Poet Scovell, E. J. Shadows of Chrysanthemums and Other Poems 1944 Routledge Details
WW2 British Poet Scupham, Peter The Air Show 1988 Oxford University Press Details
WW2 British Poet Scupham, Peter The Air Show 1988 Oxford University Press, USA Details
WW2 British Poet Scupham, Peter The Ark 1994 Oxford University Press Details
WW2 British Poet Scupham, Peter Watching the Perseids 1990 Oxford University Press Details
WW2 British Poet Scurfield, George The Song of a Red Turtle. 1941 Poetry Details
WW2 British Poet Sergeant, Howard The Headlands 1953 Putnam Details
WW2 British Poet Sergeant, Howard The Leavening Air 1946 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Service, Robert W Songs for My Supper : Verse 1953 Ernest Benn Details
WW2 British Poet Seymour, William Kean Collected Poems 1946 Hale Details
WW2 British Poet Shanks, Edward The Night Watch for England And Other Poems 1942 Macmillan Details
WW2 British Poet Shanks, Edward Poems 1939-1952 1954 Macmillan Details
WW2 British Poet Sharrock, Roger Songs And Comments 1945 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Sherrard, Philip In the Sign of the Rainbow: Selected Poems, 1940-1986 1989 Anvil press poetry Details
WW2 British Poet Short, John The Oak and the Ash 1947 J.M. Dent Details
WW2 British Poet Short, John The Oak And the Ash 1947 J.M. Dent Details
WW2 British Poet Silkin, Jon Poems New and Selected 1966 Wesleyan University Press Details
WW2 British Poet Silkin, Jon Selected Poems 1994 Sinclair-Stevenson Ltd Details
WW2 British Poet Silkin, Jon The Ship's Pasture: Poems 1986 Routledge & Kegan Paul Details
WW2 British Poet Silkin, Jon The Two Freedoms 1958 Chatto & Windus Details
WW2 British Poet Singleton, Frank The Reluctant Warrior 1938 -1945 1966 Moor Platt Details
WW2 British Poet Sisson, C. H. (Charles Hubert), C.H. Sisson: Collected Poems 1943-1983 1984 Carcanet Details
WW2 British Poet Sisson, C. H. (Charles Hubert), Collected Poems 1943 - 1983. 1984 Carcanet Details
WW2 British Poet Sitwell, Dame Edith Edith Sitwell [Selected Poems] (Pocket Poets) 1960 Vista Details
WW2 British Poet SITWELL, EDITH Green Song & Other Poems 1944 Macmillan Details
WW2 British Poet SITWELL, EDITH Selected Poems 1952 Penguin Books Details
WW2 British Poet SITWELL, EDITH The Song of the Cold 1946 Macmillan Details
WW2 British Poet SITWELL, EDITH Street Songs 1943 Macmillan and Co. Details
WW2 British Poet Skelton, Robin The Dark Window 1962 Oxford University Press Details
WW2 British Poet Skelton, Robin The Hunting Dark 1971 McClelland and Stewart Details
WW2 British Poet Skinner, Martyn Letters To Malaya 1941 Putnam Details
WW2 British Poet Skinner, Martyn Letters To Malaya 111 & 1v 1943 Putnam Details
WW2 British Poet Skinner, Martyn Letters To Malaya V 1947 Putnam Details
WW2 British Poet Skinner, Mary Poems of War And Peace 1948 Royal Air Force Association Details
WW2 British Poet Slater, A. Allan Hugill Atomic Challenge & Other Poems. ND Stockwell Details
WW2 British Poet Smith, John (Smith, C. Bushy) Gates of Beauty And Death 1948 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Smith, Stevie; MacGibbon, James (ed) Selected Poems 1978 Penguin Books Ltd Details
WW2 British Poet Snaith, Stanley Stormy Harvest 1944 J. M. Dent & Sons Details
WW2 British Poet Snaith, Stanley The Inn of Night 1947 J. M. Dent & Sons Details
WW2 British Poet Snook, John Malta siege verse 1941 - 1942 - 1943 1990 Koons Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Richard The Collected Poems 1945 Sidgwick Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Richard The collected poems 1945 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Richard Laughing Blood 1943 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Richard Laughing blood 1942 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Richard Parachute battalion;: Last poems from England and Tunisia, 1943 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Richard Selected Poems 1965 Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Stephen Collected Poems 1928-1953 by Stephen Spender 1955 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Stephen Dolphins 1994 St Martins Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Stephen Generous Days 1971 Faber and Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Stephen Ruins and Visions 1942 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Stephen Ruins and Visions 1942 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Spender, Stephen Selected Poems 1965 Faber and Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Squire, J. C. Collected Poems of Sir John Squire. 1959 Macmillan Details
WW2 British Poet Squire, J. C. Poems of Two Wars. 1914-1940 1940 Hutchinson Details
WW2 British Poet Stafford-Clark, David Autumn Shadow, And Other Poems 1941 Shakespeare Head Press Details
WW2 British Poet Stallworthy, Jon The Anzac Sonata 1986 Chatto & Windus Details
WW2 British Poet Stanford, Derek; Bayliss, John A Romantic Miscellany 1946 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Stevenson, Patric Flowing Water 1945 Resurgam Details
WW2 British Poet Stewart, Gervase No weed death: Poems 1942 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Stopes, Marie Carmichael Wartime Harvest : Poems 1944 A. Moring Details
WW2 British Poet Strick, John Poems 1948 Percival Marshall Details
WW2 British Poet Strong, L. A. G. The Body's Imperfection : Collected Poems 1957 Methuen Details
WW2 British Poet Strong, Patience Poems from the Fighting Forties 1982 Century Hutchinson (A Division of Random House Group) Details
WW2 British Poet Stuart, Eve Sheet-Anchor 1944 Sidgwick and Jackson Details
WW2 British Poet Swingler, Randall The God in the Cave 1950 Alan Swallow Details
WW2 British Poet Swingler, Randall The Years of Anger 1946 Meridian Details
WW2 British Poet Swingler, Randall; Croft, Andy Selected Poems 2000 Trent Editions Details
WW2 British Poet SYLVESTER, Philip Freedom Is My Fame : Poems 1943 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Symons, Julian, The second man; Poems 1943 Routledge Details
WW2 British Poet T. A. (A.T.) ( pseud Harry Philby) Montgomery Or Legio Octavia in Monte Africano. 1943 privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Tener, John Frost Calling All Free Men 1941 Murphy and Chapman Details
WW2 British Poet Theodore, Nicholl The Immortal Ease : a Selection of Poems 1949 Hutchinson Details
WW2 British Poet Theodore, Nicholl The Immortal Ease a Selection of Poems 1949 Hutchinson Details
WW2 British Poet Thomas, Robert Dalzell Dillon The note-book of a lieutenant in the Italian campaign 1946 privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Thompson, Donald Spring Sacrifice 1945 John Lane The Bodley Head Details
WW2 British Poet Thompson, J. A. Military Honours 1946 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Thomson, P War Time Thoughts and Impressions : Some Poems 1944 Stockwell Details
WW2 British Poet Thorne, Ann D. H. Thoughts And Fancies 1947 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Thurtle, R.F. War-time verse and earlier poems 1942 Arrowsmith. Details
WW2 British Poet Thwaites, Michael The Jervis Bay 1943 Putnam Details
WW2 British Poet Thwaites, Michael The Jervis Bay And Other Poems 1945 Putnam & Company Details
WW2 British Poet Tiller, Terence Poems 1941 Hogarth Details
WW2 British Poet Titterton, W. R. London Pride and Poems for the Forces, Families and Friends 1944 Douglas Organ Details
WW2 British Poet Titterton, W. R. Poems For The Forces 1943 T.W. Laurie Details
WW2 British Poet Todd, Ruthven Garland for the Winter Solstice 1961 J.M. Dent,, London Details
WW2 British Poet Todd, Ruthven Ten Poems 1940 privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Tong, Raymond Angry Decade ND Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Treece, Henry The Black Seasons 1945 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Treece, Henry Collected Poems 1946 Alfred A. Knopf Details
WW2 British Poet Treece, Henry The Haunted Garden 1947 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Tremayne, Sydney The Swans of Berwick : the Phoenix Living Poets Series 1962 Chatto & Windus London in association with the Hogarth Press Details
WW2 British Poet Tripp, John For King and Country 1980 Swansea Poetry Workshop Details
WW2 British Poet Trudgett, Richard In a time of assassins 1945 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Trudgett, Richard Lost Soldier, Lost Town 1945 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Turner, G. H. Poems, a Collection of Thoughts ND privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Turner, W. J. Fossils of a Future Time 1946 Oxford University Press Details
WW2 British Poet Twomlow-Britt, Joseph Action Stations 1946 Henry Harrison Details
WW2 British Poet Vansittart, Lord Green And Grey : Collected Poems 1944 Hutchinson & Co. Details
WW2 British Poet Varcoe, Joan Mary; Varcoe, J. Mitford London 1940 And Other War Verse 1945 Houghton & Sons Details
WW2 British Poet Venables, Roger Leaflets:war-Time Poems. 1992 privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Venables, Roger Memories And Forebodings 1939-1979 ND privately printed Details
WW2 British Poet Vivian, Arthur Hope, Death And Immortality. Broadsheet 12 1944 Poetry Society Details
WW2 British Poet Wagener, W. E. A Soldier's Spare-time Soliloquy 1942 N. M. Press Details
WW2 British Poet Waller, John Crusade A Collection of Forty Poems 1946 Macmillan Details
WW2 British Poet Waller, John Fortunate Hamlet 1941 The Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet Waller, John The kiss of stars: [Poems] 1948 W. Heinemann Details
WW2 British Poet Waller, John The Merry Ghosts 1946 Editions Poetry London Details
WW2 British Poet Watkins, Vernon The Collected Poems of Vernon Watkins 1986 Golgonooza Press Details
WW2 British Poet Webb, Mary Fifty-One Poems, Hitherto Unpublished in Book Form 1946 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Weir, A. N. C. Verses of a Figher Pilot 1941 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Weir, A. N. C. Verses of a Fighter Pilot 1941 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Poet Wellesley, Dorothy Selected Poems 1949 Williams & Norgate Details
WW2 British Poet Wells, Gerry Obie's War 1975 Lincolnshire & Humberside Arts Details
WW2 British Poet Wentworth, Lady War Nonsense 1943 Unwin Details
WW2 British Poet West, Victor Part 2 Orders : WWII Poems 1999 Salamander Press Details
WW2 British Poet West, Victor The Horses of Falaise : 1975 The Salamander Imprint Details
WW2 British Poet Whistler, Laurence The world's room;: The collected poems of Laurence Whistler 1949 Heinnemann Details
WW2 British Poet White, Alan Garlands And Ash 1947 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet White, Alan Garlands And Ash 1947 Fortune Press Details
WW2 British Poet White, Sir Thomas Sky Saga: A Story Of Empire Airmen A narative poem 1944 Hutchinson Details
WW2 British Poet Whitehead, John Flash and Outbreak 1946 Collins Details
WW2 British Poet Wilson, Jonathan Poems 1946 Jonathan Cape Details
WW2 British Poet Wilson, Mary New Poems 1979 Hutchinson Details
WW2 British Poet Wilson, Maurice E Odds and Ends Salvaged from the Scran Bag 1945 np Details
WW2 British Poet Winchester, Barry; Keith Park, Air Chief Marshall (foreward) Eighty four days, A rhyming appreciation and Comment on the Battle of Britain 1974 Selma Press Details
WW2 British Poet Winchester, Clarence A Great Rushing of Wings and Other Poems 1944 J. Crowther Details
WW2 British Poet Wiseman, Christopher 36 Cornelian Avenue 2008 Vehicule Press Details
WW2 British Poet Wood, Ursula Fall of Leaf 1943 Blackwell Details
WW2 British Poet Wood, Ursula No Other Choice 1941 Blackwell Details
WW2 British Poet Wright, John Airman singing, 1944 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW2 British Poet Wyllie, T. H. S. Palinode And Other Verses. 1950 Blackwell Details
WW2 British Poet Young, E. Austin How We Lived And Laughed with the 195 1945 61st Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Details
WW2 British Poet Young, Francis Brett The Island 1944 William Heinemann Details
WW2 British Poet; Prose Douglas, Keith Alamein to Zem Zem 1992 Faber & Faber Details
WW2 British Prose Swift, Daniel Bomber County 2010 Hamish Hamilton Details
WW2 British Songs Page, Martin For gawdsake don't take me!: 1976 Hart-Davis, MacGibbon Details
WW2 British; Canada Poet Creed, G. L. For Freedom 1942 J. M. Dent & Sons Details
WW2 British; Polish Lit Crit Marzena, Sokolowska-Paryz, The Myth of War in British and Polish Poetry, 1939-1945 2002 P.I.E./P. Lang Details
WW2 Bulgaria Anthology Meredith, William Poets of Bulgaria 1985 Unicorn Pr Details
WW2 Bulgaria Biography Petrova, Veneta ed; Tsveta Kamenov, ed; Kamenov, Yordan ed International Recognition of the Bulgarian Poet Nikola Vaptsarov 1979 Sofia Press Details
WW2 Bulgaria Poet Andreev, Vesseline Guerilla Recits E Poemes 1971 Sofia-Presse Details
WW2 Bulgaria Poet Vaptsarov, Nikola Poems 1955 Narodna kultura Details
WW2 Bulgaria Poet Vaptsarov, Nikola; Tempest, Peter Selected poems 1954 Lawrence & Wishart Details
WW2 Canada Anthology Coade, Jessie (ed); Jenson, L B (ilus) Messdeck News : Collected Verse of Messdeck Annie, Halifax, 1939-1945 1985 Ragweed Press Details
WW2 Canada Anthology Division, 3 Canadian Infantry; Spry, D. C. (ed) Battledress Ballads ND 3 Canadian Infantry Division Details
WW2 Canada Anthology Gilchrist, C. W. Rhyme and Reason 1945 Canadian Public Relations Services Details
WW2 Canada Anthology Hargreaves, Harry (ed) In These We Served: Poems of World War II 1995 H. Hargreaves Details
WW2 Canada Anthology Morgan, Joan (ed); Morgan, Walter (ed) Soldier Poetry of the Second World War : An Anthology 1990 Mosaic Press Details
WW2 Canada Anthology na Rhyme and Reason 1945 Canadian Public Relations Services Details
WW2 Canada Anthology na Voices of Victory representative poetry of Canada in Wartime 1941 Macmillan Details
WW2 Canada aprose Strachan, Tony In the Clutch of Circumstance 1985 Cappis Press Details
WW2 Canada Play Gelinas, Gratien Tit-Coq 1967 Clarke Irwin Details
WW2 Canada Poet Bethune, Norman Norman Bethune's Writing and Art 1998 University of Toronto Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Birney, Earle Collected Poems Vols 1 & 2 in Slipcase 1975 McClelland & Stewart Details
WW2 Canada Poet Birney, Earle Now is Time 1945 The Ryerson press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Birney, Earle; Solecki, Sam (ed) One Muddy Hand: Selected Poems 2006 Harbour Publishing Details
WW2 Canada Poet Boag, John H. Victory Verse 1941 Lutterworth Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Bowman, Phylis We Skirted the War 1975 privately printed Details
WW2 Canada Poet Boyle, Charles Frederick Prayers at a High Altar 1942 Ryerson Details
WW2 Canada Poet Crighton, Arthur Well I dare say, It's so nice to see you I thought you were dead 1995 Siggit Details
WW2 Canada Poet Foran, Michael McKeon Night flight ... and other poems 1946 Lindsay Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Geddes, Gary Hong Kong Poems by Gary Geddes 1987 Oberon Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Hallam, Robert Kay The Scarecrow Said and Other Poems 1961 privately printed Details
WW2 Canada Poet Harvey, Will (William Earl) Ballads of battle, 1944 Roede Details
WW2 Canada Poet MacKinnon, Stuart Warbrain: Poems (Penumbra Press poetry series) 1994 Penumbra Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Magee, John; Garnett, Stephen The complete works of John Magee, the pilot poet 1989 This England Books Details
WW2 Canada Poet McLeod, Carroll, Squadron Leader Dat h'ampire h'air train plan 1944 Macmillan Co. of Canada Details
WW2 Canada Poet Melville, Lieut. Tom (Scotty) Barbed Wire Ballads 1944 School Aids & Text Book Publishing Details
WW2 Canada Poet Moore, Michael D. George Whalley : remembrances 1989 Quarry Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Pat, Al (Joseph, Alexander Callow) Bang Explosions in Verse ND privately printed Details
WW2 Canada Poet Pat, Al (Joseph, Alexander Callow) Rhymes of an Olde War Horse 1955 Southham Printing Details
WW2 Canada Poet Pat, Al (Joseph, Alexander Callow) Rhymes of an Olde War Horse 1955 Southham Printing Details
WW2 Canada Poet Pat, Al (Joseph, Alexander Callow) Roger : Collected verse and yarns from the troops 1946 privately printed Details
WW2 Canada Poet Perry, M Eugenie Canteen ND np Details
WW2 Canada Poet Peter P J Reflections in poetry and pictures 1984 privately printed Details
WW2 Canada Poet Potts, Paul A Poet's Testament 1940 Whitman press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Potts, Paul George Orwell's Friend: Selected Writing 2007 Breton Books Details
WW2 Canada Poet Potts, Paul Instead Of A Sonnet - Ballad Book 2 1944 Editions Poetry London Details
WW2 Canada Poet Pratt, E. J Dunkirk 1941 Macmillan Co. of Canada Details
WW2 Canada Poet Saunders, Thomas Scrub Oak 1949 Ryerson Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Schull, Joseph I, Jones, soldier 1944 The Macmillan company of Canada limited Details
WW2 Canada Poet Scriver, Stephen Under the Wings 1991 Coteau Books Details
WW2 Canada Poet Souster, Raymond Jubilee of Death the Raid on Dieppe 1984 Oberon Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Souster, Raymond Jubilee of Death: The Raid on Dieppe 1985 Oberon Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Stephaniuk, Jeffrey Dennis The Late War, Poetry By a Veteran's Son 1998 pp Details
WW2 Canada Poet Stephen, A. M. Lords of the air, 1940 privately printed Details
WW2 Canada Poet Stevens, G R Travelogue 1959 The Southam Printing Co., Montreal Division Details
WW2 Canada Poet Varcoe, Sid. Oriental odyssey : 1946 privately printed Details
WW2 Canada Poet Watt, Frederick B In All Respects Ready 1985 Prentice Hall of Canada Ltd Details
WW2 Canada Poet Watt, Frederick B Who Dare To Live 1944 Macmillan Details
WW2 Canada Poet Watt, Frederick B Who Dare to Live 1943 Macmillan Details
WW2 Canada Poet Watt, Frederick B Who Dare To Live 1943 Macmillan Details
WW2 Canada Poet Watt, Frederick B. Landfall 1946 Macmillan Co. of Canada Details
WW2 Canada Poet Whalley, George No Man an Island 1948 Clarke Irwin Details
WW2 Canada Poet Whalley, George Poems : 1939-1944 1946 Ryerson Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet Whalley, George The collected poems of George Whalley 1986 Quarry Press Details
WW2 Canada Poet White, Sir Thomas The Battle of Britain 1945 privately printed Details
WW2 Chinese Biography Liu, Jikun Mao Zedong's art of war 1993 Hai Feng Publishing Co Details
WW2 Chinese Poet Zedong, Mao; Barnstone, Willis (translator); Ching-Po, Ko (translator) The Poems of Mao Tse-tung 1972 Barrie & Jenkins Details
WW2 Croatia Poet Kovacic, Ivan Goran Jama 1976 il ponte Details
WW2 Croatia Poet Kovacic, Ivan Goran Novele eseji kritike pjesme 1967 Znanje Details
WW2 Croatia Poet Kovacic, Ivan Goran The Pit, Poem 1943 1961 Matica Hrvatska Details
WW2 Czech Poet Holan, Vladimir; Hanzlicek, C G (trans); Habova, Dana (trans) Mirroring: Selected Poems of Vladimir Holan 1985 Wesleyan University Press Details
WW2 Duutch Anthology Prins, E (trans); MacInnes, C M (trans) War Poetry From Occupied Holland 1944 np Details
WW2 Duutch Poet Loe Maas, pseud. van Leonardus Gerardus Maria Snackers. Het Gewijde Najaar 1945 Winarts Details
WW2 Duutch Poet Loe Maas, pseud. van Leonardus Gerardus Maria Snackers. The Song of Honorable Death 1944 Ernest van Aelst Details
WW2 France Pierre, Reverdy Details
WW2 France Anthology Fabricius, Pierre (ed) Franzosische Dichter in der Gerfangenschaft 1947 Oprecht Details
WW2 France Anthology Fouchet, Max-Pol Les Poetes Dans La Guerre 1980 Bagneux Details
WW2 France Anthology Fouchet, Max-Pol Les Poètes De La Revue Fontaine, 1939-1948. 1978 Cherch Midi Details
WW2 France Anthology Higgins, Ian An Anthology of Second World War French Poetry 1989 Routledge Details
WW2 France Anthology Le Cordier, Roland; Anciens combattants prisonniers de guerre. Poetes A.C.P.G. : livre du trentenaire, 1945-1975 1975 Aurillac Details
WW2 France Anthology Seghers, Pierre (ed) Poesie 39 - 45 An Anthology 1947 Editions Poetry London Details
WW2 France Biography Caws, Mary Ann. Rene Char 1977 Twayne Publishers Details
WW2 France Compact Disc Aragon; Eluard, Paul; Camus, Albert; Mauriac, Francois L'Honneur des poe`tes : four French resistance writers 2001 Folkway Records Details
WW2 France Lit Crit Filho, Lucilo Varejao Poesie et Liberte 1958 Universidade do Recife Details
WW2 France Lit Crit La Charite, Virginia A The poetics and the poetry of Rene Char, 1968 University of North Carolina Press Details
WW2 France Lit Crit Rowlands, Esther Redefining Resistance: The Poetic Wartime Discourses of Francis Ponge, Benjamin Peret, Henri Michaux and Antonin Artaud 2004 Rodopi Details
WW2 France Lit Crit Starobinski, Jean La poesie et la guerre : chroniques 1942-1944 1999 Zoe Details
WW2 France Lit Crit Starobinski, Jean La poésie et la guerre, chroniques 1942-1945 2000 Zoé Details
WW2 France Lit Crit STEEL, James Litteratures De L'ombre: Recits Et Nouvelles De La Resistance, 1940-1944 1991 Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences pol Details
WW2 France Lit Crit Thatcher, Nicole (ed); Tolansky, Ethel (ed) Six Authors in Captivity: Literary Responses to the Occupation of France During World War II (Modern French Identities) 2006 Peter Lang Publishing Details
WW2 France Phonograph Record, LP Seghers, Pierre La resistance : ses chants et ses poetes 1975 Ades Details
WW2 France Poet Aragon, Louis Le Creve-Coeur 1941 Gallimard Details
WW2 France Poet Aragon, Louis Le Creve-cœur et Les Yeux d'Elsa 1943 La France Libre Details
WW2 France Poet Aragon, Louis; Cowley, Malcolm (ed); Josephson, Hannah (ed) ARAGON, POET OF THE FRENCH RESISTANCE 1945 Duell, Sloane & Pearce Details
WW2 France Poet BAUQUIER Henry Poemes du Temps 1940 -1944 1945 Chastanier freres et Almeras Details
WW2 France Poet Bobinnec, Joseph-Marie Reflets 1942 Paul Marliere Fils Details
WW2 France Poet Char, Rene Leaves of Hypnos 1973 Grossman Details
WW2 France Poet Char, Rene; Caws, Mary Ann (ed); Jolas, Tina (ed) Selected Poems of Rene Char 1992 New Directions Details
WW2 France Poet Char, Rene; Matthews, Jackson (trans) Leaves of Hypnos (Extracts) and Lettera Amorosa 1954 Boteghe Oscure XIV Details
WW2 France Poet Chardon, Claude Aux Armes, Citoyens Poemes1939 -1944 1944 Editions des Cahiers de l'Alpe Details
WW2 France Poet Cockenpot, Francine Poemes et Chansons de la Flandre en Guerre ND Priv. print Details
WW2 France Poet Desnos, Robert; Caws, Mary Ann (ed); Sorrell, Martin; Hale, Terry; Eburne, Jonathan Essential Poems and Writings of Robert Desnos 2008 Commonwealth Books/Black Widow Press Details
WW2 France Poet Desnos, Robert; Kulik, William (trans) The Voice of Robert Desnos: Selected Poems 2005 Sheep Meadow Details
WW2 France Poet Eluard, Paul Au Rendez-Vous Allemand Suvivi De Poesie Et Verite 1942 1992 Editions De Minuit Details
WW2 France Poet Eluard, Paul Uninterrupted poetry: Selected writings 1975 New Directions Details
WW2 France Poet Eluard, Paul; Bowen, Gilbert (trans) Selected Poems 1988 Calder Publications Details

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