Echenberg Collection of Warpoetry arranged by Conflict
  Conflict Nationality Genre Author Title Publication Year Publisher  
WW1 Assorted Bibliography OUDITT, SHARON First World War Women Writers; An Annotated Bibliography 1999 Routledge Details
WW1 Assorted Bibliography Phillips, Jill M The Darkling Plain: the Great War in History, Biography, Diary, Poetry, Literature, And Film 1980 Gordon Press Details
WW1 Assorted Bibliography Reilly, Catherine English Poetry of The First World War: A Bibliography 1978 George Prior Publishers Details
WW1 Assorted Catalogue Bridge Conachar A Catalogue of the Literature of the Great War. 75/2 1975 Bridge, Conachar Details
WW1 Assorted Compact Disc Kaelin, J.C. WWI : a history in pictures 2001 Details
WW1 Assorted exhibition catalogue Sudduth, Elizabeth A (ed) The Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Collection At The University Of South Carolina: An Illustrated Catalogue 2005 University of South Carolina Press Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Byles, Joan Montgomery War, Women, and Poetry, 1914-1945: British and German Writers and Activists 1995 University of Delaware Press Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Eksteins, Modris RITES OF SPRING 1990 Anchor Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Eksteins, Modris Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age 1989 Houghton Mifflin Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Ford, Hugh D Published in Paris 1975 Macmillan Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Frantzen, Allen J. Bloody Good: Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great War 2004 University Of Chicago Press Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Hipp, Daniel W. The Poetry Of Shell Shock: Wartime Trauma And Healing In Wilfred Owen, Ivor Gurney And Siegfried Sassoon 2005 McFarland Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Logue, Leona Whitworth; Whitworth Logue, Leona Recent War Lyrics 1928 The Grafton Press Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Sambrook, Hana York Notes on Poetry of the First World War (York Notes) 1997 Longmans Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Stromberg, Roland N. Redemption By War 1982 The Regents Press of Kansas Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Wade, Stephen The War Poets 1914-1918 2003 Studymates Ltd. Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Watkins, Glenn Proof through the Night: Music and the Great War (Includes CD) 2002 University of California Press Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit West, Herbert Faulkner The Mind On The Wing 1947 Coward, McCann Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Winter, Jay Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare) 1995 Cambridge University Press Details
WW1 Assorted Lit Crit Wohl, Robert The Generation of 1914 1979 Harvard University Press Details
WW1 Assorted Misc Gilbert, Martin The Somme: Heroism and Horror in the First World War 2006 Henry Holt Details
WW1 Assorted Misc Leed, Eric J. No Man's Land 1979 Cambridge University Press Details
WW1 Assorted Misc Rickards, Maurice; Moody, Michael The First World War, Ephemera, Momentoes, Documents 1975 Jupiter Details
WW1 Assorted Misc Silver, Kenneth E. Esprit De Corps 1989 Princeton University Press Details
WW1 Assorted Misc Wohl, Robert The Generation of 1914 1979 Harvard University Press Details
WW1 Assorted Play Cardinal, Agnes; Turner, Elaine; Tylee, Claire M.; etc. War Plays by Women: An International Anthology 1999 Routledge Details
WW1 Australian Anthology McAdie, Marion (ed) Everyday Heroes : Verse from World War 1 2009 Author Details
WW1 Australian Anthology na Anzac Memories A Compilation of Diggers' Poems ND np Details
WW1 Australian Anthology Page, Geoff (ed) Shadows from Wire : Poems and Photographs of Australians in the Great War 1983 Penguin Details
WW1 Australian Anthology Returned Soldiers Diggers' Poems 1919 Mitchell & Casey Details
WW1 Australian Anthology The men of Anzac Gallipoli The Anzac Book 1916 Cassell Details
WW1 Australian Anthology The men of Anzac Gallipoli The Anzac Book 1916 Funk and Wagnalls Details
WW1 Australian Poet Bourke, Herbert The Soldiers Story and other Poems ND np Details
WW1 Australian Poet Dennis, C.J. Doreen 1917 Angus & Robertson Details
WW1 Australian Poet Dennis, C.J. The Moods of Ginger Mick 1916 Angus & Robertson Details
WW1 Australian Poet DENNIS, Clarence James Backblock Ballads And Later Verses. 1919 Angus & Robertson Details
WW1 Australian Poet Gilmore, Mary The Passionate Heart 1918 Angus & Robertson Details
WW1 Australian Poet Hansell, Harold The Everlastin' Ballads: Ballads Of Empire (1918) 1920 deGaris Details
WW1 Australian Poet Lawson, Henry Poetical Works of Henry Lawson 1947 Angus & Robertson Details
WW1 Australian Poet McFadyen, Ella Songs of the last crusade 1917 Winn & Co. Details
WW1 Australian Poet O'Donnell, John P Songs of An Anzac 1918 Browne and Nolan Details
WW1 Australian Poet Pryce, Henry Weston Gunner 379 Your Old Battalion. War and peace verses 1926 Cornstalk Details
WW1 Australian Poet Robertson, Philadelphia N. An Anzac Budget and Other Verses 1916 Australasian Authors' Agency Details
WW1 Australian Poet Serowe (Lynch, Frank) War memories 1919 Underhill Details
WW1 Australian Poet Short, Lionel G. Capt Australian Songs in Northern Lands 1921 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 Australian Poet Skeyhill, Tom Soldier Songs from Anzac : Written in the Firing Line 1918 G. Robertson & Co. Details
WW1 Australian Poet Skeyhill, Tom Soldier Songs From Anzac, Written in the Firing Line 1916 Unwin Details
WW1 Australian Poet Souter, Gavin A torrent of words, Leon Gellert, a writer's life 1996 Brindabella Press Details
WW1 Australian Poet Wall, Geoffrey Songs Of An Airman 1917 Australasian Details
WW1 Australian Poet Wall, Geoffrey Songs Of An Airman 1917 Australasian Details
WW1 Australian Poet Walters, Oscar Shrapnel Green and other verses, A memory of Gallipoli 1931 People's Printing and Pub. Co. of W.A Details
WW1 Australian Poet Westbrook, F.E. Anzac and After : A Collection of Poems 1916 Duckworth Details
WW1 Australian Poet Westbrook, Frank E. Anzac and After : A Collection Of Poems 1916 Duckworth & Co Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Her Privates We 1964 Berkeley Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Her Privates We 1930 Davies Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Her Privates We 1930 Putnam Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Her Privates We 1965 Readers Union Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Her Privates We 1930 Davies Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Scenes and Portraits 1909 John Murray Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Scenes and Portraits 1909 John Murray Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Scenes and Portraits 1930 Peter Davies, Limited Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic Scenes and Portraits 1930 Peter Davies, Limited Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic The Middle Parts of Fortune 1977 Davies Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic The Middle Parts of Fortune 1929 Piazza Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic The Middle Parts of Fortune 1929 Piazza Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic The Middle Parts of Fortune 1977 St Martins Details
WW1 Australian Poet; Prose Manning, Frederic The Middle Parts of Fortune 1977 St Martins Details
WW1 Australian Poet; WW1 Gellert, Leon Songs of a Campaign 1917 Angus & Robertson Details
WW1 Australian Poet; WW1 Gerardy, Trooper (Edwin) The Road to Palestine and Other Verses 1918 Australasian Details
WW1 Australian Poet; WW1 Oliver, R. Mill Verses by a Soldier Over There 1918 Oliver, R. Mill Details
WW1 Australian Poet; WW1 Skeyhill, Tom A Singing Soldier 1919 Knickerbocker Details
WW1 Australian Poet; WW1 Skeyhill, Tom A Singing Soldier 1918 Knickerbocker Details
WW1 Australian Poet; WW1 Watt, W.M.W. An Anzac's Moods 1919 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 Belgium Anthology; Songs Genval, Ernest La Chanson Des Yasses 1919 Maison Des Arts Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Cammaerts, Emile; Brand Cammaerts, Tita (trans) Messines And Other Poems 1918 John Lane Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Cammaerts, Emile; Brand-Cammaerts, Tita (trans.) Belgian Poems : Chants Patriotiques Et Autres Poemes 1916 John Lane, The Bodley Head Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Cammaerts, Emile; Brand-Cammaerts, Tita (trans.) Messines And Other Poems 1918 John Lane, The Bodley Head Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Cammaerts, Emile; Brand-Cammaerts, Tita (trans.) New Belgian Poems : Les Trois Rois Et Autres Poemes 1916 John Lane Details
WW1 Belgium Poet de Ruyter, Gaston; Gauchez, Maurice (preface) Chansons ardentes, poèmes. 1919 Jouve Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Gouffaux, E. M. Oda sapphica super teutonicfa invasione belgii 1919 np Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Lassaux Jean; HECTOR Joseph Quelques poêmes et impressions de guerre 1915 np Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Remy, Gabrielle Les Roses de feu : poemes de la guerre 1930 Editions Fulgue Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Rochu, Marius La Grande Guerre Par Les Grande Hommes, 4 Aout - 11 Novembre 1918, Sonnets Psychologiques Et Historique, 2me Edition 1918 Societe du Petit Marseillais Details
WW1 Belgium Poet Thans, Hilarion Belgie's Kruisweg ND St Franciscus Drukkerij Details
WW1 Bosnia Poet Elton, Godfrey Years of Peace : Poems 1925 George Allen and Unwin Details
WW1 Bosnia Poet Stewart, Edith Anne Pilgrimage & Battle 1916 Headley Bros Details
WW1 British Anthology Adcock, A. St. John For Remembrance : Soldier Poets Who Have Fallen in War 1918 Hodder & Stoughton Details
WW1 British Anthology Anon. Bradfieldiana 1929 Southernwood Press Details
WW1 British Anthology anthol The twenty best war poem 1915 The War Illustrated Details
WW1 British Anthology Association, English Poems of Today : Second Series 1922 Sidgwick and Jackson for the English Association Details
WW1 British Anthology Association, English Poems of Today : Third Series 1938 Macmillan and Co. Details
WW1 British Anthology Barr, Aileen; Butchart, Isabel; Gill, Winifred; Holmes, Elizabeth; Marshall, Hester A Faggot of Verse : Poems By Five Women 1930 Sidgwick and Jackson Details
WW1 British Anthology Bentley, James (ed) Some Corner of a Foreign Field : Poetry of the Great War 1998 Time Warner UK Details
WW1 British Anthology Black, E.L. (ed) 1914-18 in Poetry : An Anthology 1971 Hodder Arnold H&S Details
WW1 British Anthology Brereton, Frederick (pseud) (ed); Smith, Frederick Thomson (ed) An Anthology of War Poems 1930 W. COLLINS, LONDON Details
WW1 British Anthology Brittain, Vera (ed); Kitchin, C. H. B. (ed); Porter, Alan (ed) Oxford Poetry 1920 1920 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology Brophy, John (ed); Partridge, Eric (ed) The Long Trail : What the British Soldier Sang And Said in the Great War of 1914-18 1965 A. Deutsch Details
WW1 British Anthology Childe, Wilfred Roland (ed); Earp, Thomas Wade (ed); Sayers, Dorothy (ed) Oxford Poetry 1917-1919 1920 Basil Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology Clapham, Marcus (ed) The Wordsworth Book of First World War Poetry 1995 Wordsworth Editions Details
WW1 British Anthology Clapham, Marcus (ed) The Wordsworth Book of First World War Poetry 1995 Wordsworth Editions Details
WW1 British Anthology Clarke, George Herbert A Treasury Of War Poetry, 1914-1917 1917 Houghton Mifflin Details
WW1 British Anthology Coghill, Nevill (ed); Sandford, Alistair (ed) New Oxford Poetry 1937 1937 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology Cook, C. F. (ed) Another Book of Sussex Verse 1928 Combridges Details
WW1 British Anthology Currey, R. N (ed); Gibson, R. V. (ed) Poems From India By Members of the Forces 1946 Oxford University Press Details
WW1 British Anthology Davison, Edward (ed) Cambridge Poets 1914-1920 : An Anthology 1920 W. Heffer Details
WW1 British Anthology Dixon, W. MacNeile (ed) University Verses 1910-1927, Being An Anthology From the Glasgow University Magazine 1927 Lindsay & co. Details
WW1 British Anthology Dowson, Jane (ed) Women's Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology 1995 Routledge Details
WW1 British Anthology Elliott, H. B. (ed) Lest We Forget: a War Anthology 1915 Jarrold Details
WW1 British Anthology Ford, S. Gertrude (ed) A Crown of Amaranth 1917 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology Ford, S. Gertrude (ed) A Crown of Amaranth 1915 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology Fowler, Ethel L. (ed) The Daffodil Poetry Book 1933 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW1 British Anthology Foxcroft, Frank (ed) War Verse 1918 Crowell Details
WW1 British Anthology Gardner, Brian Up The Line to Death The War Poets 1914 - 1918 1964 Methuen Details
WW1 British Anthology Georgian poetry Georgian Poetry, 1918-1919 1923 Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Anthology Giddings, Robert WAR POETS 1988 Crown Details
WW1 British Anthology Gilkes, Martin (ed); Hughes, Richard (ed); Lyon, P.H.B., M.C. (ed) Public School Verse 1919-1920 : An Anthology 1920 William Heinemann Details
WW1 British Anthology Gilkes, Martin (ed); Hughes, Richard (ed); Lyon, Percy (ed) Public School Verse : An Anthology, Volume II, 1920-1921 1920 Heinemann Details
WW1 British Anthology Goodchild, George The Blinded soldiers and Sailors Gift Book 1915 Jarrold Details
WW1 British Anthology Graham, P. Anderson (ed) The Country Life Anthology of Verse 1915 Hudson & Kearns Ltd Details
WW1 British Anthology Great Britain. Army. Royal Engineers. Field Coy, 107th Collections and recollections of 107th Field Coy., R.E. 1918 Wm. Dresser and Sons Details
WW1 British Anthology H, G. E.; B, L. L. At the Front 1916 Frederick Warne Details
WW1 British Anthology H, G. E.; B, L. L. At the Front 1915 Frederick Warne Details
WW1 British Anthology H, G. E.; B, L. L. At the Front 1915 Frederick Warne Details
WW1 British Anthology Hallett, C. Turner (ed) Follow the Flag : Poems And Prose Written And Selected 1915 Relfe Brothers Details
WW1 British Anthology Hamilton, Helen Napoo! a Book of War Betes-Noires, Etc. in Verse 1918 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology Hamilton, Jill,; Brandon, Jill Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of From Gallipoli to Gaza 2003 Simon & Schuster Details
WW1 British Anthology Henderson, W. B. Drayton Poems From Punch : 1909-1920 1922 Macmillan Details
WW1 British Anthology Hibberd, Dominic; Onions, John Poetry of the Great War 1986 Palgrave Macmillan Details
WW1 British Anthology Hibberd, Dominic; Onions, John Poetry of the Great War: An Anthology 1986 Palgrave Macmillan Details
WW1 British Anthology Hislop, Ian; Brown Malcolm Suffering from Cheerfulness: The best bits rom The Wipers Times 2006 Little Books Details
WW1 British Anthology Holt, Tonie; Holt, Valmai; Zeepvat, Charlotte Poets of the Great War 2000 Pen and Sword Details
WW1 British Anthology Hudson, Edward Poetry of the First World War 1989 Wayland (Publishers) Ltd Details
WW1 British Anthology Hussey, Maurice (ed.) Poetry of The first World War 1967 Longmans Details
WW1 British Anthology James Bentley (ed) Some Corner of a Foreign Field: Poetry of the Great War 1994 Little Brown Details
WW1 British Anthology Khan, Nosheen Women's Poetry of The First World War 1987 University Press of Kentucky Details
WW1 British Anthology Kyle, Galloway (ed) More Songs By the Fighting Men : Soldier Poets : Second Series 1917 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology Kyle, Galloway (ed) Soldier Poets : Songs of the Fighting Men 1917 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology L. E. V.; Lucas, Edward Verrall (ed) Remember Louvain! a Little Book of Liberty And War. 1914 Methuen Details
WW1 British Anthology MacArthur, Brian For King and Country: Voices from the First World War 2008 Little, Brown Details
WW1 British Anthology Macdonald E; Ford GS A Crown Of Amaranth 1915 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology Macklin, Alys Eyre (ed) The Lyceum Book of War Verse 1918 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology Minchin, Humphrey Cotton Capt The Legion book 1929 Cassell Details
WW1 British Anthology Monro, Alida (ed) Recent Poetry 1923-1933 1933 Gerald Howe Ltd. & The Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Anthology Moult, Thomas (ed) The Best Poems of 1925 1926 Jonathan Cape Details
WW1 British Anthology Moult, Thomas (ed) The Best Poems of 1929 1929 Cape Details
WW1 British Anthology Moult, Thomas (ed) Cenotaph : A Book of Remembrance in Poetry and Prose for November the Eleventh 1923 Jonathan Cape Details
WW1 British Anthology na A Calendar of War Verse: Starry-Vision'd Songs of Fame Crown with Love the Warrior's Name 1918 Details
WW1 British Anthology na Oxford Poetry 1914-1916 1917 B.H. Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology na Poems of Today : An Anthology 1915 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW1 British Anthology na Poetry of the First World War (Collector's Poetry Library) 2004 CRW Publishing Limited Details
WW1 British Anthology na Songs And Sonnets for England in War Time 1916 John Lane The Bodley Head Details
WW1 British Anthology Nesbit, E. (ed) Battle Songs 1914 Max Goschen Details
WW1 British Anthology Nettleingham, F. T. (ed) Tommy's Tunes 1917 Erskine Macdonald Ltd Details
WW1 British Anthology Nettleingham, F. T. (ed) Tommy's Tunes 1917 Erskine Macdonald Ltd Details
WW1 British Anthology Nichols, Robert (ed) Anthology of War Poetry 1914-1918 1943 Nicholson & Watson Details
WW1 British Anthology Noakes, Vivien Voices of Silence: The Alternative Book of First World War Poetry 2006 Sutton Publishing Details
WW1 British Anthology Osborn, E. B. (ed) The Muse in Arms 1917 John Murray Details
WW1 British Anthology Parsons, I.M. (ed) Men Who March Away : Poems of the First World War 1977 Heinemann Educational Publishers Details
WW1 British Anthology Perry, Harold Arthur Auspice Bello. Translations Into Greek And Latin Verse 1926 Spottiswoode, Ballantyne Details
WW1 British Anthology Porter, Alan (ed); Hughes, Richard (ed); Graves, Richard (ed) Oxford Poetry 1921 1921 Basil Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology Powell, Anne A Deep Cry 1993 Palladour Books Details
WW1 British Anthology Powell, Anne The Fierce Light 1996 Palladour Books Details
WW1 British Anthology Powell, Anne (ed) A Deep Cry, First World War Soldier-Poets Killed in France and Flanders 1998 Sutton Publishing Details
WW1 British Anthology Powell, Anne (ed) A Deep Cry, First World War Soldier-Poets Killed in France And Flanders 1998 Sutton Publishing Details
WW1 British Anthology Pryce-Jones, Alan (ed) Georgian Poets : The Pocket Poets Series 1959 E. Hulton Details
WW1 British Anthology Reilly, Catherine Scars Upon My Heart: Women's Poetry & Verse of the First World War 1989 Virago Details
WW1 British Anthology Reilly, Catherine Scars Upon My Heart: Women's Poetry and Verse of the First World War 2008 Virago Details
WW1 British Anthology Roberts, David (ed) Minds at War: the Poetry and Experience of the First World War 1996 Saxon Books Details
WW1 British Anthology Roberts, David (ed) Out in the Dark: Poetry of the First World War in Context & With Basic Notes 1998 Saxon Books Details
WW1 British Anthology Roberts, Denys Kilham (ed); Gould, Gerald (ed); Lehmann, John (ed) The Year's Poetry : a Representative Selection 1934 John Lane Details
WW1 British Anthology Roberts, Denys Kilham (ed); Grigson, Geoffrey (ed) The Year's Poetry : 1937 1938 John Lane, The Bodley Head Details
WW1 British Anthology Roberts, Denys Kilham (ed); Lehmann, John (ed) The Year's Poetry 1936 : a Representative Selection 1936 Lane Details
WW1 British Anthology Roberts, Michael (ed) New Signatures : Poems By Several Hands 1932 Hogarth Details
WW1 British Anthology Roussel, Anna Whittaker Cease Firing 1930 John C Winston Details
WW1 British Anthology Seymour, W. Kean (ed) A Miscellany of British Poetry : 1919 1920 Cecil Palmer and Hayward Details
WW1 British Anthology Seymour, William Kean (ed) A Miscellany of Poetry : 1920-1922 1922 The Westminster Press Details
WW1 British Anthology Ship, Madras Hospital Madras Occasional Verse 1917 Higginbothams Details
WW1 British Anthology Sidgwick & Jackson (ed) A Selection of Poems 1916 Sidgwick & Jackson Details
WW1 British Anthology Silkin, Jon (ed) The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry 1981 Penguin Details
WW1 British Anthology Silkin, Jon (ed) The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry 1979 Penguin Books Ltd Details
WW1 British Anthology Skelton, Robin (ed) Poetry of the Thirties 1969 Penguin Details
WW1 British Anthology Spear, Hilda D. (ed); Pandrich, Bruce (Ed) Sword And Pen: Poems of 1915 From Dundee And Tayside 1989 Aberdeen University Press Details
WW1 British Anthology Spencer, Bernard (ed); Goodman, Richard (ed) Oxford Poetry 1931 1931 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology Stallworthy, Jon ed Anthem for Doomed Youth 2002 Constable Details
WW1 British Anthology Stephen, Martin Never Such Innocence: A New Anthology of Great War Verse 1988 Buchan & Enright Details
WW1 British Anthology Strong, L.A.G. The Best Poems of 1925 1925 Small, Maynard & Company Details
WW1 British Anthology Taylor, Martin Lads: Love poetry of the trenches 1989 Constable Details
WW1 British Anthology Taylot, Martin Lads: Love Poetry of the Trenches 2002 Duckbacks Details
WW1 British Anthology The Pieman Prisoner's Pie 1916 Priv. print Details
WW1 British Anthology Treves, Sir Frederick; Goodchild, George Made in the Trenches, Composed Entirely From Articles and Sketches Contributed By Soldiers. 1916 G. Allen & Unwin Details
WW1 British Anthology Trotter, Jacqueline (ed) Valour & Vision: Poems of the War 1914 to 1918 1923 Martin Hopkinson Details
WW1 British Anthology Various Battalion Ballads : From the Outpost, Magazine of the 17th (s) Battalion H.L.I 1916 David J. Clark Details
WW1 British Anthology Various Battalion Ballads : From the Outpost, Magazine of the 17th (s) Battalion H.L.I 1916 David J. Clark Details
WW1 British Anthology Walters, L. Do An Anthology of Recent Poetry 1920 Harrap Details
WW1 British Anthology Waters, Fiona A Corner of a Foreign Field: The Poems of World War One 2007 Transatlantic Press Details
WW1 British Anthology Watts, Claire; Matthews, David (illus) Poetry of the Great War 1977 Oxford Polytechnic Details
WW1 British Anthology Wetherell, J E (ed) The Great War in Verse And Prose. Selected And Edited By J. E. Wetherell, Etc 1919 Wilgress Details
WW1 British Anthology Wollman, Maurice (ed) Modern Poetry 1922-1934 : An Anthology 1934 Macmillan and Co. Details
WW1 British Anthology Wollman, Maurice (ed) Modern Poetry 1922-1934: An Anthology 1945 Macmillan Details
WW1 British Anthology Woods, Margaret L. (ed) The Writers' Club Anthology 1932 Blackwell Details
WW1 British Anthology Wright, S. Fowler (ed) Contemporary Devonshire And Cornwall Poetry : County Series of Contemporary Poetry : II 1930 Fowler Wright Ltd Details
WW1 British Anthology Wright, S. Fowler (ed) Contemporary Kent And Essex Poetry : County Series of Contemporary Poetry : III 1935 Fowler Wright Ltd Details
WW1 British Anthology Wright, S. Fowler (ed) Voices on the Wind : An Anthology of Contemporary Verse 1924 The Merton Press Details
WW1 British Anthology; autograph book Boderke, David (ed) Words From The Wounded : Injured Soldiers' View of the Trenches of the First World War 1989 Countryside Books Details
WW1 British Anthology; Lit Crit Giddings, Robert The War Poets 1988 Orion Publishing Details
WW1 British Anthology; Lit Crit Hussey, Maurice (ed.) Poetry of The First World War 1967 Longmans Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Andrews, Clarence Edward (ed) From the Front : Trench Poetry 1918 Appleton Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Brereton, Frederick (pseud) (ed); Smith, Frederick Thomson An Anthology of War Poems 1930 Collins Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Clarke, George Herbert A treasury of war poetry, 1914-1917, First series 1917 Houghton Mifflin Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Clarke, George Herbert (2) A treasury of war poetry, 1914-1919, Second series 1919 Houghton Mifflin Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Davison, Edward (ed) Cambridge Poets : 1914-1920 1920 Heffer Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig E.V.L.; Lucas, Edward Verrall (ed) Remember Louvain! : A Little Book of Liberty and War 1914 Methuen Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Eaton, W. D. (ed) Great Poems of the World War 1922 Denison Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Edwards, Mabel (ed); Booth, Mary (ed) The Fiery Cross : An Anthology 1915 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Elliot, H.B. (ed) Lest We Forget : A War Anthology 1915 Jarrold Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Foxcroft, Frank (ed) War Verse 1918 Crowell Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Georgian poetry Georgian Poetry, 1911-1912 1914 Putnam Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Georgian poetry Georgian Poetry, 1913-1915 1917 Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Georgian poetry Georgian Poetry, 1916-1917 1918 Putnam Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Georgian poetry Georgian Poetry, 1918-1919 1920 Putnam Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Georgian poetry Georgian Poetry, 1920-1922 1922 Poetry Bookshop Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Kyle, Galloway More Songs by the Fighting Men : Soldier Poets, Second Series 1919 Brentano Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Kyle, Galloway (ed) More Songs by the Fighting Men : Soldier Poets, Second Series 1918 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Kyle, Galloway (ed) Soldier Poets : Songs of the Fighting Men 1919 Brentano Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Kyle, Galloway (ed) Soldier Poets : Songs of the Fighting Men 1917 Erskine Macdonald Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Leask, G.A. (ed) Hymns in Time of War : Selected and Arranged with Brief Biographies of Authors ND Jarrold Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Lloyd, Bertram Paths of Glory 1919 Allen Unwin Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Moore, T. Sturge (ed) Some Soldier Poets 1919 Grant Richards Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig na Songs and Sonnets for England in War Time 1914 Bodley Head Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Nichols, Robert (ed) Anthology of War Poetry, 1914-1918 1930 Nicholson & Watson Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Osborn, Edward Bolland (ed) The Muse in Arms 1917 Stokes Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Parsons, I.M. (ed) Men Who March Away : Poems of the First World War 1965 Chatto & Windus Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Parsons, I.M. (ed) Men Who March Away : Poems of the First World War 1968 Viking Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Pryce-Jones, Alan Au Son du carion 1959 Hulton Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig Royle, Trevor In Flanders Fields, Scottish Poetry and Prose 1991 Mainstream Details
WW1 British Anthology; orig The Times War Poems from The Times August 1914-1915 1915 The Times Details
WW1 British Art Book Bairnsfather, Bruce Fragments from France : Part 1 1916 "The Bystander" Details
WW1 British Art Book Bairnsfather, Bruce Fragments from France : Part 5 1918 "The Bystander" Details
WW1 British Art Book Bairnsfather, Bruce Fragments from France : Part 6 1918 "The Bystander" Details
WW1 British Art Book Bairnsfather, Bruce More Fragments from France : Part 2 1916 "The Bystander" Details
WW1 British Art Book Bairnsfather, Bruce Still More Fragments from France : Part 3 1917 "The Bystander" Details
WW1 British Bibliography Kershaw, Alister A Bibliography of the Works of Richard Aldington from 1915 to 1948 1950 W.P. Wreden Details
WW1 British Bibliography Keynes, Geoffrey A Bibliography of Rupert Brooke 1954 Rupert Hart-Davis Details
WW1 British Bibliography Keynes, Geoffrey A Bibliography of Rupert Brooke 1954 Rupert Hart-Davis Details
WW1 British Bibliography Kirkpatrick, B. J. (Brownlee Jean), A Bibliography of Edmund Blunden 1979 Clarendon Press Details
WW1 British Bibliography na Book and Magazine Collector 1984 Diamond Publishing Group Details
WW1 British Bibliography na Soldier Poets of The Great War 1988 The Grolier Club Details
WW1 British Bibliography Ouditt, Sharon Women Writers of The First World War 2000 Routledge Details
WW1 British Bibliography Prothero, George Walter A select analytical List of books concerning the Great War 1995 Battery Press Details
WW1 British Bibliography Reilly, Catherine English Poetry of The First World War: A Bibliography 1978 George Prior Publishers Details
WW1 British Bibliography; Poet Hibberd, Dominic Wilfred Owen: the Truth Untold (Uk Edition) 2002 Orion Publishing Details
WW1 British Biography Adcock, St John For Rememberance 1920 Hodder & Stoughton Details
WW1 British Biography ADLARD, John Owen Seaman, His Life and Work 1977 Eighteen Nineties Society Details
WW1 British Biography Akers, Geoff Beating for Light, The Story of Issac Rosenberg 2006 Juniper Books Details
WW1 British Biography Boden, Anthony F. W. Harvey: Soldier, Poet 1999 Alan Sutton Details
WW1 British Biography Browne, Maurice Recollections of Rupert Brooke 1927 Alexander Green Details
WW1 British Biography Campbell, C; Green, R Can't Shoot a Man with a Cold: Lt. E. Alan Mackintosh MC 1893 - 1917 Poet of the Highland Division 2004 Argyll Publishing Details
WW1 British Biography Charlton, Anne; Charlton, William Putting Poetry First: A Life of Robert Nichols 1893-1944 2003 Michigan State University Press Details
WW1 British Biography Clayton, Philip Thomas Byard Plain Tales From Flanders 1929 Longmans Details
WW1 British Biography Doyle, Charles Richard Aldington: A Biography 1989 Southern Illinois University Press Details
WW1 British Biography Ferguson, Robert The Short Sharp Life of t.E.Hulme 2002 Allen Lane Details
WW1 British Biography Fussell, Paul; Sassoon, Siegfried Siegfried Sassoon's Long Journey 1967 Giniger Details
WW1 British Biography Hassall, Christopher A Biography of Edward Marsh, Patron of the Arts, and Friend and Confidant of Winston Churchill 1959 Harcourt Brace Details
WW1 British Biography Hiscock, Eric Bells of Hell Go Ting-a-ling-a-ling 1976 Arlington Books Publishers Ltd Details
WW1 British Biography Hollis, Matthew Now All Roads Lead To France, the Last Years of Edward Thomas 2011 Faber Details
WW1 British Biography Jackson, Stanley The Sassoons 1968 Dutton Details
WW1 British Biography John, Angela V. War, Journalism and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century: The Life and Times of Henry W. Nevinson 2006 I. B. Tauris Details
WW1 British Biography Kirkpatrick, B. J. (Brownlee Jean), A Bibliography of Edmund Blunden (Soho Bibliographies) 1979 Oxford University Press, USA Details
WW1 British Biography Lago, Mary India's Prisoner: A Biography of Edward John Thompson, 1886-1946 2001 University of Missouri Press Details
WW1 British Biography Lee, Hermione Edith Wharton 2007 Knopf Details
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